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Different Types of Massage

There are many forms and types of natural therapies. One of these is massage therapy. Many different types of massage therapy exist as well. Many of these therapies originated in the east in countries like China and Japan.

Here we cover a few basic types of massage. Massage therapy in many places is thought to be similar to acupuncture as in an alternative to medicine. These therapies have their purposes and unique techniques that are used for each type. There are over eighty different styles that can be used for anything from relieving stress, to post injury.

Concerning the history of massage therapy and the types of massage, there are books which go as far back as three thousand BC that first mention the use of massage therapy. Massage therapy has been used in the Olympic sports, and for certain types of medical conditions. Two of these include seizures, and psychological issues. Sigmund Freud which is thought to have discovered many types of psychological disorders even considered massage as a type of treatment. Massage was first taught in china as far back as one hundred AD. It was presented to the scientific community in the united states in the eighteen fifties, and by the nineteen thirties, hospitals and physical therapists were using is. These are only a few of the historical points of massage therapy. Here are some basic types of massage therapy that are being used today.

1. Swedish massage therapy

This is one of the most common types of massage therapy. When you get a Swedish massage, it involves very long strokes and kneading of the muscles. This includes different strokes from smooth and gliding, to squeezing, and deep tissue massage.

2. Deep tissue massage

Deep tissue massage is one of the types of massage that can be very helpful in reducing specific painful spots within the body. This involves a very slow movement while focusing on specific pressure points. Deep tissue massage is helpful for general tension or pain whether it is acute or chronic.

3. Sports massage

Sports massage is great for almost any type of athletic activity. Using massage as a therapy for sports will help both in treating, and preventing any muscular or tendon injury. Sports massage is also used before, during, and after training as well. When used post training, this helps in relaxing the muscle and possibly decreasing the recovery time needed between workouts.

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4. Chair massage

Chair massage is one of the types of massage that you see taking place like airports and other public places. Unlike some types of massage therapy where you are required to take off your clothes and lay down, chair massage allows you to keep your cloths on, while sitting in a special chair made specifically for massage therapy. Here the focus is on the shoulders, back, arms, and hands.

5. Shiatsu massage

This type of massage uses what is known as finger pressure. This places varied rhythmic pressures on specific body parts which are known as acupressure points.

6. Thia massage

When someone is getting this type of massage, the therapist uses their body in order to move the client into numerous positions depending on the muscles that are being worked. Here, both joint mobilization, and muscle compression is focused on.


7. Hot Stone

Hot stone massage uses warm stones, placing them on certain parts of the body. This can be used as a general massage tool, or it can be used for general relaxation purposes. Due to the warmth and heat of the stones, this allows an increase in blood flow to the muscles, allowing them to become less tense and relax more.

8. Reflexology

This type of massage uses hand, thumb, and finger techniques in order to stimulate specific areas of the feet. This can also be used with other body parts as well.

9. Pregnancy

Using massage for pregnancy allows the body to adjust to specific changes that occur during pregnancy. The decrease in stress and swelling that massage man bring will also help decrease both muscle and joint pain. Massage during pregnancy may even be a good substitute for pain medications that may be limited.

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The previous types of massage therapy mentioned are only some of many types of massage techniques that are used today. It is interesting to know that many times some types of massage therapy may be used as a substitute for some medical treatments. Massage is a good therapy to use for anything from general stress and pain, to certain medical conditions, and overall should be considered a part of ones' health routine through having at least one a year in order to relieve any stress you may have.

Tribulus Terrestris and Testosterone Levels

What is tribulus terrestris ?

Tribulus terrestris is a herbal remedy that is said to help at increasing your levels of testosterone, strength, and size. Here we will go over the effects of tribulus terrestris and testosterone levels, as well as other factors.

Endocrine system

Tribulus terrestris is marketed at helping increase your testosterone levels, but there is no significant evidence that supports this. More research should be done in order to confirm this claim. Tribulus terrestris may or may not effect strength or size, but there may be other factors that it could help. Here we will look both at the effects that it has on strength and athletic performance, as well as sexual satisfaction.

Concerning  the effects that it can have on testosterone it has been found to increase the total number of androgen receptors . Because humans were not the subjects used though, more studies on humans are needed to confirm these findings.(1)

Tribulus terrestris has also been shown to have no significant impact  on the metabolism of androgens when used by human subjects. For one study,  testosterone had no significant changes in the group that took tribulus terrestris supplements. (2)


The effects of tribulus terrestris on ones' strength and size seems to be the main focus on the market for its' use. There have been numerous studies though that have not supported these claims.  Here are some examples of some studies conducted on the effects on strength and body composition. For the first study mentioned, only general population that are at a high level of fitness are used, while the second looks at the athletic population.

One study lasted a total of eight weeks, using the bench press and leg press to measure strength, body weight, and composition changes. At the end of the eighth week, there were no significant differences seen between the control and tribulus terrestris group.  The control group did have a  higher increase in local muscular endurance for the bench press. These results show tribulus terrestris as having no significant effect on ones' strength or level of body composition. Although, it may be interesting to see what a increase in dosage or amount of time the study lasts may have any different effect on results. (3)

Rugby players were also given the supplement tribulus terrestris for a total of five weeks. Strength and lean mass were both measured prior to, and after the five weeks. Equal amounts of the tribulus terrestris were given to each subject in that group. At the end of the study, a significant increase both in strength and lean body mass for both the tribulus terrestris group, and the control group was seen. This led to the conclusion that it was not the supplement but due to some other factors that effected the results seen. (4)


There have also been studies (5,6)  looking at its' effects on the libido of the subjects tested. The findings were an increased sexual activity and parameters that were looked at. This supports the claim of the positive effects of the supplement on sexual performance of men.  The effects on male properties of sexual activity such as erections, tribulus terrestris has also been seen to have a positive effect on performance.(7,8)

Although it is often thought that sexual challenges affect males more, ladies also have sexual dissativfaction. One study tested the effects of tribulus terrestris on the quality of  sexual functions for women. This included orgasms, arousal, and desire with results showing an increase in these areas. (9) This product may have a positive effect for women concerning sexual desires, but more studies should be done to verify these findings.

Concerning sexual functions for men, tribulus terrestris has been shown to increase fertility, as well as assist in erectile disfunction and sperm count. (10,11).


 You see many claims on the market concerning the effects of tribulus terrestris. This mainly being that it can assist in increasing testosterone, strength and size.  No positive effect on size or strength was seen, so I would not advise to use it for increasing athletic or fitness performance. Although tribulus terrestris is not marketed as assisting with sexual factors, it has a great effect on both male and female enhancement. If your considering taking this supplement, you first need to speak with your doctor if you have any medical condition or are taking a medication.


1. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/15588660#

2. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/15994038/#

3. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/10861339#

4. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/17530942#

5. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/12804079#

6. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/22368416#

7. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/23526694#

8. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/10748960#

9. Daru. 2014 Apr 28;22:40. doi: 10.1186/2008-2231-22-40.

10. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3604572/#

11. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4566674/#

Natural Therapy for Muscle Injury

Are you constantly living in pain where nothing that you use helping it out ? Natural therapy for muscle injuries is available. Remedies like anti inflammatory drugs (2) may temporarily help you, but can also come with side effects. These are good and will work, but are there other options to decrease your pain without drugs ?

The good news is, that there are other options. Treatments are used for muscle injuries as well as joint, tendon and ligament conditions. These  therapies include acupuncture, cryotherapy, heat therapy, massage therapy, and shock wave therapy. Here we compare each type, how it works, and studies on these treatments.


Forms of therapy


Acupuncture is one of the oldest treatments for many chronic conditions. It focuses on the many pressure points of the body. One main effect of acupuncture is the reduction in the association with feeling pain. This may assist for long term or short term pain management. Acupuncture also helps flush any toxins which speeds up the healing process. Overall it has been shown to have a positive effect on decreasing pain in and after surgery, with no side effects (1).


Cryotherapy is a main type of therapy for different types of injuries. It is also used for conditions like delayed onset muscle soreness.(4) This uses cold temperatures to assist in decreasing the pain from a previous injury or activity. It is advised to use such therapy for thirty minutes as a time. This will decrease the time needed for muscle recovery from a stressful activity. Activities may include anything from a resistance training workout to general activities of daily living.

Heat therapy:

The use of heat therapy goes right along with using cryotherapy. It can be just as effective of a treatment for muscle soreness as cryotherapy. Unlike cryotherapy, heat therapy assists with pain relief by increasing blood flow. This decreases the time that it takes to flush out toxins that may have built up. It also decreases the time for the muscle to heal from any micro tears, general muscle soreness, or an injury. In one study, three groups were treated with heat therapy. Groups were treated immediately after exercise, twenty-four hours post exercise, and no treatment. The greatest effects were seen when used immediately after exercise in reducing muscle soreness and increasing flexibility (3).

Massage therapy:

Massage therapy, like acupuncture is one of the oldest and most used form of therapy. It helps increase the blood flow and relax the muscles that may have been injured . The main function of massage therapy is muscle relaxation. Muscle relaxation is hard because your muscles are tensed up. This comes from just the stress of every day activities. Massage therapy isolates the specific muscles which may be torn due to an injury. This helps increase the healing process. In one study two groups were used. One group received physical therapy techniques and the other group massage therapy. Each group received treatments for twenty minutes a day five times a week. Both groups showed a decrease in pain and swelling as well as an increase in flexibility (5). This suggests massage therapy to be just as effective as physical therapy for some types of injuries.

Shock wave therapy:

Shock wave therapy is normally a form of treatment that is combined with other treatments to assist in healing of injuries. It uses different wave lengths to assist in the healing of muscular injuries (10). Other injuries may include those to the bone, joint, ligament, neuromuscular activity, or tendons. In one study, thirty patients with previous low back pain were treated with either exercise or shock wave therapy. At the end of three months, improvements in the recruitment of motor units used and well as nerve conduction was seen (11). This suggests a possible healing or remodeling of nerve fibers that have been damaged. This allows the muscles to be used more efficiently. Although shock wave therapy is used for post injury, this is not its only use. Even if you haven't had an injury severe enough for an operation and therapy, it can be used for general theraputic conditions. Some conditions that can be treated include osteoporosis (7), arthritis, or tennis elbow (12). This therapy is also effective not only on the general population, but athletes as well. (6) Other injuries such as plantar faciatius (9,13) which is an injury to a tendon can also be treated with shock wave therapy. It has even been shown to assist in treating other types of conditions including stroke (8) and erectile dysfunction. In a follow up study on patients which had this therapy for ED, follow-ups were given a month after the therapy and as two years post therapy. In those with a higher level of the condition, only fifty-four percent maintained the positive effects, while those that had a less severe condition were over 70% more likely to maintain the positive effects of the treatment (14).

Each of the previous modalities mentioned have positive effects concerning treatments used for muscular injuries. They could be used for general therapeutic reasons or for treating a previous injury. If you want to use something that is non-invasive and requires no physical contact or ingestion of chemicals for pain reduction, and can treat multiple conditions, shock wave therapy is a very effective tool to use for any of these purposes. The best thing is, that this treatment is approved for at home use. You should first speak with your doctor before using it if you have any previous medical conditions.


  1. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed?term=(Nepp%20J%5BAuthor%5D)%20AND%20Is%20accupuncture%20an%20useful%20tool%20for%20pain-treatment%20in%20ophthalmology%5BTitle%2FAbstract%5D#

2. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/29515279#

3. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/27454218#

4. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/28813550#

5. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/26696709#

6. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/29504386#

7. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/28685283#

8. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/29581652#

9. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed?term=((Hocaoglu%20E%5BAuthor%5D)%20AND%20Assessment%20of%20the%20efficacy%20of%20extracorporeal%20shockwave%20therapy%20for%20plantar%20fasciitis%5BTitle%2FAbstract%5D)%20AND%20(%222018%2F03%22%5BDate%20-%20Publication%5D%20%3A%20%223000%22%5BDate%20-%20Publication%5D)#

10. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed?term=(((Efficacy%5BTitle%5D%20AND%20safety%20of%20extracorporeal%20shock%20wave%20therapy%20for%20acute%5BTitle%5D%20AND%20chronic%20soft%20tissue%20wounds%3A%20A%20systematic%20review%5BTitle%5D%20AND%20meta-analysis%5BTitle%5D))%20AND%20Zhang%20L%5BAuthor%5D)%20AND%20%22International%20wound%20journal%22%5BJournal%5D#

11. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/29685023#

12. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed?term=((The%20short%20term%20effects%20of%20shock-wave%20therapy%20for%20tennis%20elbow%3A%20a%20clinical%20trial%20study%5BTitle%2FAbstract%5D)%20AND%20Razavipour%20M%5BAuthor%5D)%20AND%20(%222018%22%5BDate%20-%20Publication%5D%20%3A%20%223000%22%5BDate%20-%20Publication%5D)#

13. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/29740568#

14. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed?term=(Low%20intensity%20Shock%20wave%20treatment%20for%20erectile%20dysfunction-how%20long%20does%20the%20effect%20last%20%3F%5BTitle%5D)%20AND%20%22The%20Journal%20of%20urology%22%5BJournal%5D#

Effects of HMB on Size and Strength

Are you just starting to workout or are you a fitness buff ? Do you want to try a new supplement to help at increasing your results in size and strength ? There are many performance enhancing supplements on the market. Here we cover the effects of HMB  on size and strength in the gym. This is for both the general and athletic population.


The majority of supplements are for vitamins and minerals, fat loss, or muscle enhancement supplements. One  is called HMB. This makes up part of an amino acid. When these amino acids are put together they make complete proteins.

What Is HMB ?

HMB is short for hydroxy-methyl-butyrate. This is a metabolite that is part of the amino acid leucine. Out of all the amino acids, leucine has the highest anabolic characteristics. The supplement is thought to possible have an effect on mediating the anabolic effects of the amino acid (1). It also comes in more than one form. One of these is calcium based, and the other free-form. The free-form which is now used is more effective in decreasing recovery time, inflammation, and increasing the level of hormones. (7). The main effect of hmb is that it decreases the severity of muscle breakdown during a workout. This leads to a faster recovery time. Even though this does not seem anabolic, it is indirectly related to the anabolic effect of muscle protein breakdown. This meaning a faster recovery time due to a smaller catabolic breakdown of the muscle.

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How can it effect your workouts and performance ?

If you are just starting your workouts, you must first adapt to training prior to any results with size or strength. When you have no experience with resistance training, your body must adjust to specific movement patterns. This allows the communication between the nerves and muscles to adapt to training. This will take at least a few weeks. When you become adjusted, you will begin to see changes in strength and size. Here is an example of how HMB may work at assisting with an increase of the size and strength of the muscle.

Two people do an identical workout concern the volume and intensity of resistance training. The intensity would be measured through repetition maximums. The same schedule is followed for each person concerning days of workouts.

No supplementation:

All workouts cause damage or micro tears to the muscle. As the phase of the workout continues, volume and intensity will increase which will lead to an increase in strength.

Using HMB:

This person takes HMB before a workout. Due to its effects on decreasing muscle damage seen, a faster recovery time is the result. A faster rate of recovery time means a greater increase in strength. It may not only effect overall strength, but allow a higher volume of training as well.

HMB has been show to increase the size and over strength levels of the athletic population (2), and some aerobic aspects of training. In one study a group of experienced rowers were looked at for twelve weeks. Variables measured included vo2 max or total oxygen consumption and venilatory threshold which is the time it takes to reach your vo2 max. A higher total amount of oxygen used, along with a greater amount of time used to reach this point shows hmb as having a positive effect on your anaerobic and aerobic capacity. (4) There have been few studies on its effects for the general population. This includes both active and experienced, and inactive population. 

How does it effect the general population ?

 HMB has been shown to positively effect strength, size,  and athletic performance, but its effect on the general population should also be looked at. HMB is generally thought to effect activities not requiring oxygen. Could it effect aerobic fitness as well.?

In one study, people experienced in fitness were looked at. This test looked at a peak oxygen test otherwise known as vo2 max. This is the maximum amount of oxygen needed for a specific amount of work in a given time period. The subjects' venilatory threshold or point at which you have maxed out and need to recover was also looked at.  A control group, and a group taking hmb were used. High intensity interval training was used as well. This is a combination of short term bursts of activity, followed by lower intensity activity. Results showed a greater effect on the variables measured in the supplement group. This means that less oxygen was needed to perform the same amount of work in a given period. The total time able to perform was also increased. This shows an improvement in both aerobic and anaerobic endurance. (3)

Can it assist in reducing muscle wasting ? 

Other factors such as general and functional strength with the inexperienced individual have been looked at, showing an increase in general strength assessed (5). The effects of the supplement on sarcopenia or muscle wasting is also something to look at (6). The chances of even having sarcopenia or a decrease in its rate can even be reduced. This is due to a history of activity both with resistance training and aerobic training. Therefore, the possibility of developing sarcopenia is less if you have a history of resistance training. (8)

In one study, strength and muscle breakdown was looked at with sedentary people. Three groups were looked at. One taking whey protein, another using hmb and one where they were taken together. No difference in either of the three groups concerning damage to the muscle was seen. I would question these results though. This is because the subjects were untrained and isometric strength instead of dynamic strength was used. From the results of test, along with personal testimonials, hmb is a natural supplement that will help with your performance both on the field and in the gym. 

Overall, hmb has a very positive effect on performance both in the athletic population, and the trained for the general population. Regardless of your experience level in the gym, HMB will assist you in size and strength gains. Also, if put with another supplement like creatine will give you a even better chance at reaching your fitness goals such as increasing size and strength. 


  1. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed?term=(((((%22The%20Journal%20of%20physiology%22%5BJournal%5D)%20AND%20(%222013%2F06%22%5BDate%20-%20Publication%5D%20%3A%20%223000%22%5BDate%20-%20Publication%5D)))%20AND%20591%5BVolume%5D))%20AND%20(Effects%20of%20leucine%5BTitle%5D%20AND%20its%20metabolite%20B-hydroxy-b-methylbutrate%20on%20human%20skeletal%20muscle%20protein%20metabolism%5BTitle%5D)#

2. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/24599749#

3. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed?term=(High%20intensity%20interval%20training%5BTitle%2FAbstract%5D%20AND%20b-hydroxy-b-methylbutyric%20free%20acid%20improves%20aerobic%20power%5BTitle%2FAbstract%5D%20AND%20metabolic%20thresholds%5BTitle%2FAbstract%5D)#

4. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed?term=((%222015%22%5BDate%20-%20Publication%5D%20%3A%20%223000%22%5BDate%20-%20Publication%5D))%20AND%20(The%20efficacy%20of%20a%20b-hydroxy-b-methylbutyrate%20supplementation%20on%20physical%20capacity%2C%20body%20composition%5BTitle%2FAbstract%5D%20AND%20biochemical%20markers%20in%20elite%20rowers%3A%20a%20randomised%2C%20double-blind%2C%20placebo-controlled%20crossover%20study%5BTitle%2FAbstract%5D)#

5. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed?term=(Effects%20of%20free%20leucine%20supplementation%5BTitle%2FAbstract%5D%20AND%20resistance%20training%20on%20muscle%20strength%5BTitle%2FAbstract%5D%20AND%20functional%20status%20in%20older%20adults%3A%20a%20randomized%20controlled%20trial%5BTitle%2FAbstract%5D)#


7. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/29207472#


Cardio-Respitory Adaptations to Exercise

You may enjoy working out whether it is through weight training, or training aerobically. Knowing what is occurring during your workouts is good knowledge to have. Your body adapts to training in different ways depending on the type of training used.

 Two different people could do an identical workout but have different responses to the workout. Here we will cover the cardiorespritory adaptation to exercise. Many people see the bodies systems working alone, but the truth is, they all work together as one. Here we explain both acute and chronic adaptation to exercise that you see as a result of training.

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The cardiovascular, muscular and respiratory systems all work together to use oxygen as efficiently as possibly during activity. With exercise, the blood pumped by the heart per minute can increase up to four times its normal amount. With aerobic exercise, the amount of blood returning to the heart is increased. This is an increase in the diastolic volume which is seen when the heart is relaxed. It will increase the amount of blood going out of the heart each beat.

The heart rate also increases acutely with aerobic activity, but chronically as you adapt it will decrease for doing the same amount of work. Your maximum oxygen uptake is related to the amount of work done and the mass of tissue used. This is related to the amount of oxygen used in the blood during each heart beat. Exercise increases the amount of oxygen used in the tissue until it reaches its maximum level of use during aerobic exercise. This maximum capacity to use the oxygen concerns its transportation to the tissues that are using it.

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Aerobic exercise assists in this by increasing the amount of oxygen that is transported and used by the tissue. Your capillaries assists in this by allowing a more efficient blood uptake of oxygen and transport to the muscles. Training increases the amount of oxygen extracted from blood and the oxygen used. This is where the circulatory and respiratory systems work together to achieve the maximum efficiency of oxygen use.

After you have been training for some time, the heart is able to transport more oxygen to the working muscles with a lower heart rate. Also, there is an increase in the amount of blood that exits the heart each beat. Since the heart rate decreases over time and the amount of blood used increases, they are working together to achieve a more efficient use of oxygen. The time that it takes for your heart to increase to a specific number of beats per minute also decreases over time. This is an adaptation to exercise that shows improved aerobic endurance.

Concerning one's respiratory adaptation to exercise, aerobic training provides the greatest impact on oxygen uptake. There is an improved efficiency of ventilation by a decrease in the air that is needed per liter of oxygen that is used. Your maximum volume of oxygen uptake is a function of your heart rate and blood pumped per beat, as well as the oxygen that is used. Most of the time, an increase in the amount of air used per minute is due to an increase in the volume of oxygen consumed. The volume of oxygen used per breath will increase due to an increase in the dept and frequency of breathing. Frequency of breathing takes a greater role during normal function. While when you are exercising, volume of breathing becomes more efficient than increasing the frequency of breathing.

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The ratio of air used per breath to the oxygen consumed will increase for each liter of oxygen that you use with increases in training. This means there is an increase in oxygen efficiency which is the amount of air needed per liter of oxygen consumed. This is normally 20-25 liters of air per liter of oxygen that is consumed. The efficiency of oxygen use is specific to the muscles that are trained as well. In order to get maximum use of oxygen in the body, your heart rate decreases while increasing the blood pumped from the heart. This allows more blood flow each heart beat. The amount of oxygen used by the muscles for work will increase as well, making your heart, lungs, and muscles more efficient at using oxygen. These are just some ways that your bodies adaptation to exercise occurs.

Training adaptations


This concerns your bodies adaptation to exercise at different elevations. Your body adapts differently to training at different atmospheric pressures and elevations. At elevations greater than 3900 feet the pressure of oxygen in the air is reduced. Your body will make adjustments to compensate for the reduced pressure. Hyper ventilation which involves increases in the frequency and dept of breathing, and an increased heart rate and volume of blood are effective responses to this change. Submaximal heart rate can increase thirty to fifty percent above what it is at sea level. This indicates an increase in blood flow since levels of blood oxygen are decreased. These occur at rest and during exercise. An Increase in the formation of hemoglobin which transports oxygen, as well as capillarization is also seen. Within two weeks heart rate will return to normal values, increasing red blood cell production. Overall, this usually takes about three to six weeks to totally adapt to.


Smoking which is detrimental to your health in many ways, affecting your ability to use oxygen both during activity and at rest. Changes due to nicotine include an increase in airway resistance as well as an increase in fluid secretion and swelling of your bronchi oles. The nicotine also affects the cilia of the respiratory track and limits the removal of excess fluids and foreign particles. This will also decrease the amount of oxygen that can be used by hemoglobin as well as an increase in heart rate and blood pressure. This decrease in the amount of oxygen used by hemoglobin comes from the hemoglobin binding more readily with carbon monoxide than with oxygen. This in effect decreases the amount of oxygen your working muscles can use. Concerning activity and workouts, smoking will decrease your aerobic endurance and capacity of the muscles to use oxygen. This is much different from your normal adaptation to exercise or activity. These effects would be different concerning the type of activity that you are doing, but your aerobic endurance would be affected the most.

Your bodies adaptation to exercise and training is very complex due to the many systems in the body. The cardiovascular and respiratory system are just two. Knowing what is occurring within you as you are exercising or training helps you understand how things are working and your bodies adaptation to exercise. These are only a few of many changes that occur in the body due to exercise.

Using Green Tea for Weight Loss

There are numerous pills and supplements to take that claim to assist you in losing weight. Some of these are more biochemical based, while others are more natural. Green tea is one of these natural substances. Does using green tea for weight loss work ? Here we will look at possible effects of using green tea on weight loss. Green tea has claimed to help with weight loss for quite some time, but here we will show you if these claims are true or not.

What is Green Tea ?

Green tea originated in china and is all natural, not going through the same process used to make other teas. It is grown and harvested in different ways. This affects its aroma and taste, allowing all the nutrients to be maintained. The leaves normally go through three or four harvests a year. After they are grown, they are dried using a variety of methods. This includes sun drying, oven drying, or steaming. The process that they go through before being put on the shelf given them a longer shelf life and flavor. There are also numerous types or strains of green tea that is grown within different countries including China, Korea, as well as Japan.

Can it help with different health conditions ?

Green tea is said to be able to assist with many symptoms and conditions. This includes cardiovascular, cholesterol, inflammation (8,9), weight loss, and other conditions. Concerning cholesterol levels, results from some studies point to green tea assisting in decreasing the level of ldl cholesterol, while maintaining hdl levels of cholesterol.(11,14) The main effect green tea is said to have is a thermogenic effect. This increases your rate of metabolism, leading to possible weight loss. It has even been said to decrease muscle atrophy seen due to aging. In one study, three groups were used. One group used a controlled diet, one a high fat diet, and another group used a high fat diet along with green tea extract. This study lasted a total of four months. Results showed that the tea extract prevented loss of lean tissue. This may be beneficial for those inactive, or the older population through decreasing the level of muscle wasting. (1 )

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The majority of the time, you think of green tea as assisting in losing weight during the weight loss process. Although there may be some truth to this, green tea can also help in maintaining your body fat, and not so much fat loss. It is said that both green tea and caffeine can work together in effecting ones' level of thermogenesis and metabolism focusing on specific types of body fat. (2,5) Green tea helps with other medical conditions as well. One study looked at the effects of green tea on metabolism and hormonal effects of women with poly cystic ovarian syndrome. Symptoms of PCOS include an increase in androgen levels, irregular periods, and difficulties getting pregnant. It can also cause long term metabolic issues, along with hypertension, diabetes, and cardiovascular disease.

Factors involved in the effects of green tea

The condition is thought to be due to genetic and environmental factors, as well as possible hormonal regulations of the hypothalamus. A decrease in body fat levels through activity can assist in decreasing these effects, although there is no known cure. For the study, two groups of thirty women that had poly cystic ovarian syndrome were looked at. Green tea was given to one group, while a placebo was given to the other group. Results showed a significant decrease for the green tea group in weight, free testosterone levels, and fasting insulin levels when compared to the other groups. The decrease in free testosterone levels may indicate green tea as helping regulate hormonal levels. (7)

There are a number of variables that could effect outcomes of tests that are done on the effects of green tea. This includes things such as gender, activity level, genes, the individual tested, age, previous medical conditions, and other factors. This is true because no two individuals' metabolism is identical. Although genetics could play a small part in one being overweight, nutritional choices and activity level are two main factors in maintaining a healthy weight.

Supplements for weight loss may help, but they are only to assist in the process. Good eating habits, along with activity when put together with the supplements can be effective. In one study, three treatments were given. This included green tea extract with caffeine, caffeine alone, and a placebo. The green tea group had an increase in twenty-four hour energy expenditure, with the caffeine only showing no change. This showed a possible effect of the green tea extracts in promoting thermogenesis and fat use for energy.(3 )

Concerning genetics and ones' response to green tea, it was looked at finding the mechanism of protection against obesity. (10 ) Your level of health and activity can also play a role in whether or not green tea would effect your body composition. If your level of activity is high and you are not extremely over weight, green tea may not have as much of an effect as it does for one who is inactive and not as healthy.

For one study, the effects of green tea on overall weight loss and abdominal fat loss was looked at. Subjects used were average level of activity. Three groups were used, a control group, a green tea group, an interval sprint group, and an interval sprint group plus green tea group. The green tea plus training group had thirty-six total sessions over twelve weeks, with forty eight total subjects tested.

Both training only and training plus green tea groups had a decrease in body fat and an increase in lean mass. No difference was seen between the interval training plus green tea or interval training only groups concerning weight loss. No changes were seen in the control and green tea only groups. This shows that your activity level may have more of an effect on weight loss as opposed to the green tea. (12 ) Although green tea may not effect body fat loss in some, it can have an effect on your endurance capacity through increasing it, as well as the use of fat for fuel (4)

Instead of assisting in fat loss, green tea may help in the prevention of obesity or hypoglycemia. It has shown when levels of cholesterol were tested to assist in actually reducing the levels of bad cholesterol, while leaving the good cholesterol unchanged. (11,15 ). Although green tea is said to assist in increasing ones' thermogenic level and metabolism, specific foods can also effect its effectiveness. (13) Green tea has also been found to have no effects on decreasing specific bio markers of obesity (6). This indicates that green tea may have a positive effect on many other more serious medical conditions.

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Overall, green tea is a good natural supplement to use for weight loss and for general health and well-being. The previous medical conditions mentioned along with general health and wellness are great reasons to use it and put it into your daily nutrition.
















What’s The Best Eating Plan for You ?

There are many types of eating plans or "diets" which most people like to call them. Whats the best eating plan for you ?  Knowing how the body works will help you choose the best way of eating for you, assisting you in your health and weight loss goals. 

Activity level and way of eating must become permanent and a lifestyle change. Most people are not willing to totally committ their selves to this, and any weight loss plans fail. It is up to the individual as to whether or not they are successful in their health and fitness goals. Here we will look at some factors which play into different eating plans that are seen, along with general guidelines for healthy eating. This should help you determine the best eating plan for you.

Types of nutrition programs

General Nutrition:

Your average everyday eating plan usually consists of many processed foods and fast foods. Although many fast food places have tried to turn to making some healthy choices, many times it is still hard to follow a strict eating plan when eating out. This is one reason why so many people fail at their weight loss goals, since it is more practical to use food services instead of taking you own meals.

Many things which should be avoided such as simple sugars like soft drinks, candy, some breads, and other simple sugars is almost impossible to do so. On average, the majority of calories comes from carbohydrates. This is not good since the majority of these carbohydrates come in the form of simple sugars. The only foods that are made of complex carbohydrates which are good for you are whole grains, as well as vegetables. All other forms are that of simple sugars which is what packs on the pounds when you eat to many of them.


Overall, weight loss or weight gain comes down to the simple calculation of if you eat more calories than you burn, weight gain will occur, while if you burn more calories than you consume, weight loss will happen.

Although this is true, the percentage of calories which comes from carbohydrates, protein, or fat is also important. The bodies first choice of calories is carbohydrates. When no carbohydrates are left, the body goes into a process which turns fats and proteins into the form of glucose or carbohydrates. This is were weight loss occurs. Because fats and even proteins are used for fuel, you want to be sure that you have at least enough protein to maintain the amount of lean mass that you have while losing fat mass.


As mentioned before, since most carbohydrates come in the form of simple sugars that are found in soft drinks and candy which are unhealthy, the majority of carbohydrates should come from other sources such as vegetables or grains. Since it is hard if not almost impossible to get many carbohydrates from these sources only, the overall percentage of carbohydrates in your eating plan is going to be low.


At one point it was even thought that the fat in foods made a person fat. Although a gram of fat does have the highest number of calories in it when compared to carbohydrates or protein, this is not true. It is more so the high dose of simple carbohydrates which make a person gain weight. Since only a specific amount of glucose can be stored in the muscle, when this limit is exceeded, the body converts what is not needed into body fat for later use.








One type of eating plan or lifestyle that many people choose is that of being a vegetarian. There are different forms of being a vegetarian. This includes a vegan in which nothing but vegetables are consumed, as well as forms were either eggs or dairy products are used.

Vegan: This type of eating requires that different sources of protein be consumed in order to get your daily amount of protein needed. The majority of proteins consumed by a vegan must be a combination of more than one source. This is true because the only complete proteins come in the form of meats or dairy products. The proteins consumed here are more incomplete proteins and must be combined with other sources in order to make a complete protein.

Ovo Vegetarian: This type of vegetarian does not only eat vegetables, but in order to get protein easier, things such as eggs are consumed. Although protein is consumed easier this way, there are still specific amino acids which make up complete proteins that should be considered.

Lacto-Ovo Vegetarian: This type of vegetarian not only has an intake of eggs with vegetables, but dairy products as well. Concerning your total protein intake, this is the best form of vegetarian to be since it makes getting the amount of protein needed much easier.

Complete Proteins:

Protein is made up of what are called amino acids. A complete protein has all of what are known as essential amino acids. A complete protein has all the essential amino acids needed to make it complete, while an incomplete protein still needs specific amino acids. Although it is possible to make complete proteins through combining different sources of vegetable proteins, it is much easier if other sources such as dairy and eggs are used. When using only vegetable sources, precise measuring must be done in order to get the correct amount of specific amino acids. Here is a general description of complete and incomplete proteins and what can be done to make an incomplete protein complete.





Calories Consumed

Many times people think that calorie counting is needed in order to lose weight. This may be true to a certain extent, but at the same time, only using the portion size should help as well. If you are not losing weight, just decrease the portion size. Most of the time, it is thought that three square meals a day is the best option. This is what has been taught to most people, but consuming smaller meals throughout the day is actually more healthy. It means having a small snack between meals such as a shake or protein bar. It is best if you consume either 5 or 6 smaller meals a day, eating them 3 to 4 hours apart. This will also assist in keeping your blood sugar levels normal. Here is a general description of a good eating plan, including percentages of calories from each source, as well as an example of a meal plan for one day.


When you are designing your meal plan and calculating the grams of protein, fat, and carbohydrates needed each meal, you should remember the following:

Protein: 1 gram = 4 calories

Carbs: 1 gram = 4 calories

Fat: 1 gram = 9 calories


Carbohydrates: 20%

Proteins: 40%

Fats: 40%


Average meal planning (3 meals/day)

Total Calories 2,400                         

Meal 1        800 calories                                       

Meal 2       800 calories                                           

Meal 3       800 calories                   


Smaller meals throughout the day

Meal 1   400 calories                      

Meal 2   400 calories                     

Meal 3   400 calories                    

Meal 4   400 calories                   

Meal 5   400 calories                  

Meal 6   400 calories                  


These are some general guidelines on healthy eating habits, whether it is through a normal eating plan of general foods consumed, or if it is through the use of only specific foods such as with a type of vegetarian eating plan, or other diets such as Atkins, paleo, or south beach.

Any of these eating plans are healthy, but as stated before, it should not be a diet which is only temporary, but more of a lifestyle change. This includes changing both eating habits along with activity levels. When put together these two factors should assist you in losing the weight needed and maintaining a healthy lifestyle. 

What is the Best Meal Replacement Powder ?

There are so many nutritional supplements on the market now that it is hard to know where to start. This goes for anything from weight loss, to gaining lean mass and strength.

One product that is helpful especially with the business of everyday life is meal replacement powders. These come in the form of either protein, or protein mixed with carbohydrates. Here we will discuss what the best meal replacement powder may be for you.

Although there are many brands of meal replacement powders, they are all made differently. Some are made from a soy based product, while others are whey based proteins, eggs, casein, and even beef protein. Here we will cover some whey protein drinks so that you can better decide which one you may like the most and will fit your health and fitness needs. Here are some different sources of protein and good meal replacement powder:


Whey Protein:

This type of protein is extracted from milk and is in the majority of powders that you find on the market today. This type of protein is best for anyone looking to gain lean mass or even lose weight. It is probably the best type of protein to use right after a workout due to its rate of absorbsion. This will ensure your muscles getting the protein needed after a hard workout. Whey protein also has more complete proteins when compared to other forms.

One major disadvantage is that since it is made from milk protein, you shouldn't take it if you are lactose intolerant. Also, if you are looking to maintain or lose weight, you should stay with a product that has more protein and very few carbohydrates. The products with carbohydrates are meant more for weight gain and are better used for post workout drinks.

Casein Protein

This protein is taken from liquid milk, where the proteins are separated from the fats and carbohydrates. One major difference in casein when compared to other proteins is that it has a slower absorbsion rate. This may be better used prior to very low activity, or even prior to going to bed. This will ensure that your body gets calories throughout the night.

Due to the fact that casein protein is milk based, you should not take it if you are lactose intolerant. Also, as mentioned before, it is best taken prior to low activity or even sleep due to the slow absorption rate. This means that it is not a good source to take post workout, where your body needs a fast absorbsion rate.






You wouldn't think that a protein in powder form could come from beef, but there actually is such a thing. One positive aspect of this protein source is that it naturally contains creatine. Creatine is used as a supplement for workouts due to it assisting in strength and endurance while doing resistance training.

Although these positive aspects do exist, I would arrow on the side of caution since this protein type has not been researched a lot.


Soy protein comes from the soy plant.  This type of protein is good for those that are vegetarians and want to stay away from any animal products. It is also fairly inexpensive.

One thing you should consider when thinking of taking soy as a source of protein is its relationship with estrogen levels and the effects that it could have.


Eggs are a great source of protein in one's diet. Before protein powders even existed, it was normal for anyone that was hard into working out to use raw eggs as a source of protein. Egg based protein powders also have vitamins as well which makes them a good choice.

The only things that should be considered when looking at using egg proteins are any allergic reactions you may have, along with the fact that most egg based proteins are more expensive than other sources.

The majority of the best protein powders that you see promoted on the market are whey based protein. The other sources mentioned such as the eggs, soy, casein, and beef are used, but whey and casein which are associated with milk are probably the two best-selling types of protein powder on the market.

I personally have used mainly whey based protein powders. Some of these brands are better than others. Here are some few that I have tried and the satisfaction or dissatisfaction that I got from them.


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Optimum Nutrition Weight Gainer

This weight gainer whey based protein is great if your looking at putting on a few pounds and are seriously working out and lifting weights. It works great when your muscles need protein to recover from a long and hard workout. There are numerous flavors offered such as vanilla, banana, cookies and cream, as well as peanut butter. My personal favorite is vanilla even though it is a plain flavor.

One positive that I give this brand of protein is that when you mix it in a shaker using a wisk, it is a very smooth texture without any clumps, and it has a very good taste as well. The only reason to not use this is if you are not looking at gaining weight, but just want protein. This company makes strait protein powder without the carbohydrates as well. Also, I would not use this product if I didn't have a shaker and had to mix it by hand, since it may not totally mix up as it should. 

When looking at this product, it also comes either in large bags, or bottles. If you are looking at every day use, I advise to use the bagged version. Also, although the product is meant for weight gain, I don't go by the instruction's concerning the serving size. This is actually not good to consume the amount that they advise since it is a tremendous amount of carbohydrates at once. Changing the serving size will allow it to last longer, and probably give you a better result. I would use a normal smaller scoop and measure it in comparison to the large scoops that it comes with in order to know the amount of calories I was consuming.

In order to get the most out of the product for the best price, I suggest cutting the serving size into 1/3 or what is instructed. This will still give you a substantial amount of calories when added to milk, and it will last closer to a month. The intent of the company is to have you consume more calories than you really need which will only help in gaining fat, not muscle. Here is a general comparison to the instruction's given, and what I suggest.



Size 12 lb bag

Price $ 48.00

Normal Serving size                        Suggested Serving size

Calories 1,250/serving                       1/3 or 420 calories/serving (add milk for more)

$ 3.00/serving                                      $1.00/serving

Servings 16                                          48

Carbs 250 grams                                  85 grams

Protein 50 grams                                  16 grams (no milk)

2x/ day = 60 servings/month.                 60 servings/month

(4 bags) $ 192/month                           ( 2 bags) $ 95/month

Score: A -





EAS Myoplex

This protein powder is whey based protein meal replacement powder. It comes either in single packets, or in a tub. The packets are nice to use since they are easy to take with you if you are out or going to the gym to workout. If you use any powder from a tub or container, you have to use a plastic bag which may not hold up as well. This protein also comes in various flavors including chocolate, vanilla, and strawberry. All of these flavors are good. EAS which stands for experimental and applied sciences is also a well-known brand that stands behind their product. There is also either a weight gainer, or more of a protein powder in general. Due to the price, I suggest using this once/day possibly prior to bed. Because of a lack of carbohydrates, it would not make a good post workout product.


Size 20 servings

Price $ 50

Normal serving size  1 pouch

Calories 290

Servings (20/package)

Cost/serving $ 2.50

Carbs 22 grams

Protein 42 grams

Score: A





Muscle Milk Gainer

This protein is high in carbohydrates and is casein based. It is meant to assist in weight gain. Although this is the case, you can still decrease the serving size to lessen the number of calories if you only want to maintain your weight. This product is good since it has a good ratio of carbohydrates to protein. Also, it can be mixed with either milk or water. 

The only negative thing that I have to say about this brand is that the consistency of the drink is not good. Regardless of how hard you shake it, the texture is not smooth but clumpy. It is better if you mix it with milk but even then that doesn't make a big difference. Also, when mixed, it makes almost a foamy texture which makes it hard to drink. 

Some good things are that it is casein based which makes it good for periods of low activity. Overall though, I would not recommend this product if your looking at the taste. If this is not an issue though, the product has good ingredients and works. Also, since it is casein based, it may be better to take it prior to going to bed, especially since it has fewer carbohydrates.



Size: 5 pounds

Price: $32

Normal serving size: 4 scoops               Suggested serving size: 2 scoops

Calories 650                                           325

Servings 14                                            28 (1 month if taken once/day)

Price/serving $ 2.28                               $ 1.14

Carbs 109 grams                                     55 grams

Protein 54 grams                                     27 grams (add milk for more protein)

Score: C

These are only some many protein powders and weight gainers on the market. The one that best fits you will depend on your personal goals whether it is weight gain, maintaining weight, or weight loss. Using a low carbohydrate high protein drink is advised if you want to lose weight, since it is best to consume carbohydrates only prior to your busiest part of the day. Protein only meal replacement powders are best right before bed, or when activity level is low.

You should search around to find which brand and protein base would be best for you whether it be casein, whey, soy, egg or beef based. These products mentioned I have used personally and I hope that it gives you a basic understanding of each product and what may be best for you.

Is Fenugeek Really a Testosterone Booster ?


There are many testosterone boosters on the market that claim to increase your overall level of testosterone and assist in strength and size as well as sexual functions.  Fenugreek claims to be a testosterone booster. Fenugreek is a herb that is native to Africa, Asia, and the middle east. It is used in many dishes and for some medicinal purposes as well. Here we will look at both the effects that this supplement may have on testosterone level, sexual functions, as well as health and performance.

Is fenugreek really a testosterone booster ?

You see this product advertised for use as a testosterone booster. It is supposed to help through increasing size and strength. There may or may not be some truth to this. Two studies were conducted on the athletic population which had experience in resistance training, one looking at changes in body composition and strength, while the other focused on testosterone levels.

The study which looked at the effects on strength and size used a placebo group and a group that took fenugreek. Results showed a significant increase in lean body mass, and decrease in body fat percentage (1,16) for the supplement group, with no differences being seen in strength.(16). For the study concerning testosterone levels in healthy athletes, results showed no effect on anabolic hormone levels for the subjects taking the fenugreek. (15) It has also been shown to possible help with creatine uptake, replacing the carbohydrates that are needed for creatine transportation after a workout (14)

Although an increase in lean body mass was seen in one of the studies, because no significant increase in testosterone was seen, this would lead me to question the factor involved in the weight gain that was seen. The subjects  eating habits, as well as experience in weight training could effected the weight gained without an increase in strength. Results may be different for the general population with resistance training, but no studies were found on this.  Therefore, more studies on the general population may need to be done.

Effects on endocrine system and sexual desires

Although the previous study mentioned saw no change in hormonal levels, the results could have been due to the fact that the subjects were the athletic population, many of which were already at a high level of fitness. Other studies that have been done have shown possible positive results when taking fenugreek for both the male and female population.

Two studies used what's called an AMS scale or aging male symptoms questionnaire (2,5) but one of these went into more detail through the use of other questionnaires as well in order to test testosterone deficiency syndrome. These included questionnaires on stress levels, an androgen deficiency questionnaire, and an erectile function perceived scale. (2) The results for both of these studies found an increase in testosterone levels and frequency of sexual activity when the fengureek was taken, as well as a change in erectile disfunction and a decrease in level of stress. In one study (2) the level of percieved androgen questionaire actually dropped, which would lead to me questioning the ligitimacy of using questionaires such as these. Using fenugreek without using any questionaires and only testing the testosterone levels of subjects also showed a positive change in levels of testosterone, and sperm count (4).  Sexual arousal and orgasms also increasing while maintaining testosterone levels (12). It has even been shown to help assist in testicular damage when exposed to certain things (10). This sounds somewhat promising for use as a testosterone booster. 

Other factors should probably be taken into consideration as well when looking at results of studies such as these.
Variables such as the number of subjects used, the length of the study, as well as the dosage given per day were different for each study. These could all play a possible role in the results that were seen. Although these tests sound promising concerning the use of fenugreek as a testosterone booster, more research may need to be done.

Can it help ladies

Not only does fenugreek help men with sexual functions, but it may also be useful for the female population as well. Studies have shown fenugreek to be effective on the sexual function of women, improving their quality of life, and an improvement in desire and sexual arousal (9). It has even been shown to assist in symptoms of menopause through decreasing them (3), as well as  the disorder of polycistic ovarian syndrome. In one study results showed a decrease in the number of cysts, their size, and even some having complete dissociation of the cysts all together. (6)

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Other possible medical conditions

It has even been shown for this supplement to help with insulin related issues (7), increasing insulin sensitivity improving its' effeciency and even decreasing the fat absorbtion in the obese (8). It may even be possible to use it when treating breast cancer (13). In another study, two groups were tested, one which already had diabetes, with the other group being prone to possibly becoming diabetic. Results showed an anti diabetic effect for those that were prone to possibly developing diabetes, with an anti diabetic efficiency in those that already had diabetes (11).


Overall, the supplement of fenugreek has been shown to assist mainly with sexual arousal and not as a testosterone booster. This includes both in the male and female population. It even assist with menopause and diabetes. Although these positive effects were seen through the use of this supplement, speak with your doctor before taking any type of supplement, especially if you have a medical condition.


1 https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/20979623#

2 https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/29623697#

3 https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/28707431#

4 https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/28138310#

5 https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/26791805#

6 https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/26516311#

7 https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/26201993#

8 https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/26198036#

9 https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/25914334#

10 https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/24813645#

11 https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/22633967#

12 https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/21312304#

13 https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/20571172#

14 https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/24149869#

15 https://digitalcommons.wku.edu/cgi/viewcontent.cgi?article=1014&context=ijesab

16 https://digitalcommons.wku.edu/cgi/viewcontent.cgi?article=1023&context=ijesab

The Easiest Way to Measure Body Fat

There are numerous ways to lose body fat, but also ways to test your body composition concerning fat and overall body weight. Although you have to account for other factors such as your bones and organs, body composition testing gives a very accurate measure of your body fat.

There are numerous ways to test your level of body fat. Many of these involve another individual having to do the testing. There are other ways as well. Whats the easiest way to measure body fat you may ask.  Here we will discuss using what is called bioelectircal impedance to measure your body composition. Although it is not the most accurate way of testing, it is the easiest way to measure body fat.

What is bio electrical impedance ?

Bioelectrical impedance is a form of body composition testing where a very small electrical current is run through the body in order to measure the conduction of electricity within the body. This allows you to get a general reading of your body composition. In order for the test to be accurate, you must first make sure that you are properly hydrated both with water and electrolytes.

If your body does not have the electrolytes needed, the reading will be very inaccurate. This system of testing works through the fact that lean muscle tissue is a much better conductor of electricity than fat. This is due to the difference in density. With fat being much denser than muscle, the electricity is not able to pass through the tissue as easily.

This is where hydration comes in as being important since your muscle is made of 85% water. This is probably the easiest way to measure body fat. In order to get an accurate reading, you must first put in general information such as your height and weight.

Devices used

There are two different devices that are used to conduct a bio electrical impedance test. This includes either a scale which you stand on, or a hand held device. Obviously the hand held device is much more convenient since it can be carried with you, while a scale can be used only at home.

If you only want to test yourself periodically, a scale may be your best choice, but if you want to do this on more of a set schedule, I would advise to use the handheld device. Bioelectrical impedance machines are made in many brands and models. It just depends on whether you want only general information, or more specifics. Depending on your needs, you may have to pay more. Here are just some bio electrical body composition machines that are produced.


Tanita is the first company that came out with the original body fat analyzer scale in 1994. The technology that is used is bar none when compared to other manufactures. Tanita devices measure both intracellular, extra cellular, and total body water. They also do this with using up to six different frequencies which makes the measurement more accurate.


The Tanita ironman body composition scale is great for anyone that is into fitness and wants to keep track of their fitness goals. This would be best suited for anyone that has a lifestyle of working out and staying in shape. It measures weight, body fat, muscle mass, body mass index, bone mass, and even basel metabolic rate. It can also track up to four people.


These body composition monitors will allow you to keep track of your overall level of fitness and help you in reaching your fitness goals.


This body fat monitor is hand held which makes it very portable. It uses metal strips on the sides of the handles similar to those that measure your heart rate on a cardio machine. This is great for anyone that normally goes to the gym for a workout, or out for a run. It even comes with a thirty-day money back guarantee.


This body fat monitor is unique in the sense that it uses sensors for both arms and legs, while most scale based monitors only send signals through the legs, this monitor has a hand held device built in, increasing the accuracy. Its very simple to use, and can store data for up to four people. It measures body weight, age, resting metabolism, body fat, as well as lean mass.

Weight guru digital

If you want to go high tech, this may be the product for you. The weight guru digital scale is compatible with blue tooth, WiFi, apple health, fit bit, as well as other applications. You're able to send information straight to your phone. It allows you to track your weight, body mass index, body fat, muscle mass, and even water weight. It even comes with a 5 year warranty. The weight guru digital is challenging to set up, but when it is functioning properly, its easy to use.

Fit bit aria Wi-Fi smart scale

This is another WiFi scale that will work with your fit bit device. It accurately measures your weight, body composition, as well as body mass index. Your able to upload the information to your fit bit each time you step on the scale. It has enough memory for up to eight people. It has been reported though for there to be an inaccurate measurement of body fat percentage, so I may question this.

Eat Smart Precision

This scale has all the basic functions that you need in order to measure your level of health. It measures your body fat %, muscle mass, bone mass, weight, and percentage of water. It does have a weight limit of 400 lbs, and it measures in either pounds or kilograms. There is also enough memory to store information for up to eight people.

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Withings WS 50 Wi-Fi

This scale gives very accurate weight and body mass index measurements. It also allows you to track your progression on your smart phone. To use this scale, you must have an android or an apple device in order to set it up. It is even able to detect the specific person on the scale, and uses multiple web services as well. I would only error on caution because it has been said to be somewhat inaccurate when it comes to body composition.

There are so many digital body composition scales that it is difficult to choose the correct one for you. If I was looking for a basic scale to measure body fat, the omron HBF 514-c is a great choice since it measures using both arms and legs. Depending on how much you want to spend, the simplest scale that connects to your computer is probably the Guru digital. The hand held device is also convenient if you want to take it with you for a workout.

Overall, each of these scales are good, it just depends on your goals and how often you want to keep track of them that may determine which is best for you.