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Effective nutritional Supplement

There are a number of nutritional supplements on the market today. The uses of these supplements range from general health and well-being such as vitamins and natural substances in the body, to those used for fitness and sports performance. The majority of supplements that are used for fitness and performance purposes have been thoroughly tested for their effectiveness and assist in workout and sports performance. One of the most effective nutritional supplements on the market for fitness and performance is called creatine. Here we will cover this effective nutritional supplement including how it works and what it most useful for.

What is Creatine ?

Creatine is a natural substance which occurs in the bodies' energy systems through what is known as phosphate. There are numerous energy systems within the body, all of which play a different part in how and why energy is released. These systems also work together in order to be as effective as possible when it comes to the efficiency of the energy that the body uses. The main source of energy that the body uses is what is known as ATP which stands for andosine tri phosphate. One energy system which is responsible for explosive and fast type movements, is known as the ATP-CP system. The CP stands for creatine phosphate. When energy is needed from this system, the phosphate is broken off from the creatine, allowing it to assist with this energy system. There have been numerous studies concerning what the effects of this supplement are, and how it works. So how does creatine work, and how can it assist in fitness and performance ?

How does creatine work ?

There are numerous energy systems within the human body, all of which serve different purposes, but they also work together. Creatine works through adding additional phosphate bonds in the immediate energy system, which is the system of ATP-CP previously mentioned. This system both initiates other energy systems, and is used for very high intensity and explosive movements. Creatine supplementation allows for an increase in the total amount of creatine that is stored in the skeletal muscle, restoring the amount of ATP that is available for use (9). This also allows for an increase in the rate of the reproduction of ATP as well. The use of creatine is also thought to possibly have an effect on what is known as the buffering capacity of working muscles as well. (15), This allows the muscle to work for a longer period. These are the general ways in which creatine works to improve health and performance for the individual. So who would benefit most from using creatine as a supplement ?

Who should use creatine ?

Ceatine works through improving the rate of fatigue (14) seen in the muscle, which has to do with the increase in the reproduction or re synthesis of ATP which is seen through using creatine (12). The effects of improving both fatigue and the restoration of energy, along with a decrease in recovery time (13) make it good to be used by individuals involved in any moderate to high intensity activities. This would include things such as: high intensity resistance training, explosive athletic activities such as football, baseball, basketball, or tennis just to name some. These activities mentioned use mainly energy systems which have a high turnover rate and can decrease in efficiency. Creatine may also assist in endurance activities such as swimming, jogging, soccer, or long distance running but the effects of creatine have previously been seen in high intensity activities, and more research may need to be done (10). .

There are different types of muscle fibers which are used for different types of activities. Those being used for explosive and short term activities are known as type two and the fibers used for endurance activities are type one fibers. The dominant muscle type that an individual has, is genetically based. Anyone that has a majority of type one fibers for endurance type activities may not benefit from using creatine.(1,10). The main effects seen through studies when creatine is used is an increase in both strength, and size when training (2,5,11), but this may not be in a direct but indirect way allowing for an increased ability to train. (3) Creatine along with activity has also been shown to possibly assist in decreasing sarcopenia which is the natural decrease in muscle fiber due to aging, (8) as well as therapeutic purposes (11). So when should you use creatine as a supplement ?

When should creatine be used ?

Because of the effects of creatine and how it works, it may be best to be used just prior to exercising or practice for an athletic event. Doing so may assist in decreasing fatigue, allowing for a faster recovery time, in turn increasing the overall rate and intensity of the activity performed. Also, due to the effects that creatine supplementation has on the energy systems of the body, it may even be effective when used during the activity being performed or when finished (7). Nutrition is also a factor when using creatine concerning its effects (4,6,16) so this should be considered as well. The individual may want to experiment concerning when to take the supplement just to see what may work best for them. This is true because each individual may respond different to activities than others. More research should be done on the best time to use creatine as a nutritional supplement.

How is creatine used ?

Just like any nutritional supplement that is out on the market, creatine comes either in capsule or powdered form. Although either option is available, the content would probably be able to get into the system faster when taken in powder form as opposed to a capsule. The amount of creatine used should be higher on training days, while using a smaller dosage on your off days from training. Most creatine products that are purchased also suggest using a loading phase (5) in order to get the best results. This is probably suggested to allow your system to gradually adjust to using the substance. Some evidence was found indicating greater effects when using a loading phase when compared to no loading phase when a random substance was used (5). So what is the final verdict on the effectiveness of using creatine as a nutritional supplement ?


There are so many nutritional supplements available, that its hard to know exactly the best one to use. It is advised that research be done prior to any purchase since some may not do what they claim to. The supplement of creatine has been studied quite intensely concerning its effects on health and performance. Areas in which supplementing with creatine will improve health and/or performance include any high intensity activity including athletic activity, or general workouts with resistance training. Since creatine is a natural substance that is part of the bodies' energy system, this may make it safer to take when compared to other supplements. Overall, if you are an individual needing to increase your health and use resistance training, or are an athlete looking for a way to improve athletic performance, using creatine as a nutritional supplement has been shown to be safe and effective.


1. https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/17277594/

2 https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/10449017/

3. https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/17707068/

4. https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/10683092/

5. https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/34199588/

6. https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/17986903/

7. https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/34445003/

8. https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/28251287/

9. https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/31126306/

10. https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/24688272/

11. https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/12701815/

12. https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/10919967/

13. https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/34199588/

14. https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/15903359/

15. https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/25355190/

16. https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/33214000/

Effects of HMB on Size and Strength

Are you just starting to workout or are you a fitness buff ? Do you want to try a new supplement to help at increasing your results in size and strength ? There are many performance enhancing supplements on the market. Here we cover the effects of HMB  on size and strength in the gym. This is for both the general and athletic population.


The majority of supplements are for vitamins and minerals, fat loss, or muscle enhancement supplements. One  is called HMB. This makes up part of an amino acid. When these amino acids are put together they make complete proteins.

What Is HMB ?

HMB is short for hydroxy-methyl-butyrate. This is a metabolite that is part of the amino acid leucine. Out of all the amino acids, leucine has the highest anabolic characteristics. The supplement is thought to possible have an effect on mediating the anabolic effects of the amino acid (1). It also comes in more than one form. One of these is calcium based, and the other free-form. The free-form which is now used is more effective in decreasing recovery time, inflammation, and increasing the level of hormones. (7). The main effect of hmb is that it decreases the severity of muscle breakdown during a workout. This leads to a faster recovery time. Even though this does not seem anabolic, it is indirectly related to the anabolic effect of muscle protein breakdown. This meaning a faster recovery time due to a smaller catabolic breakdown of the muscle.

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How can it effect your workouts and performance ?

If you are just starting your workouts, you must first adapt to training prior to any results with size or strength. When you have no experience with resistance training, your body must adjust to specific movement patterns. This allows the communication between the nerves and muscles to adapt to training. This will take at least a few weeks. When you become adjusted, you will begin to see changes in strength and size. Here is an example of how HMB may work at assisting with an increase of the size and strength of the muscle.

Two people do an identical workout concern the volume and intensity of resistance training. The intensity would be measured through repetition maximums. The same schedule is followed for each person concerning days of workouts.

No supplementation:

All workouts cause damage or micro tears to the muscle. As the phase of the workout continues, volume and intensity will increase which will lead to an increase in strength.

Using HMB:

This person takes HMB before a workout. Due to its effects on decreasing muscle damage seen, a faster recovery time is the result. A faster rate of recovery time means a greater increase in strength. It may not only effect overall strength, but allow a higher volume of training as well.

HMB has been show to increase the size and over strength levels of the athletic population (2), and some aerobic aspects of training. In one study a group of experienced rowers were looked at for twelve weeks. Variables measured included vo2 max or total oxygen consumption and venilatory threshold which is the time it takes to reach your vo2 max. A higher total amount of oxygen used, along with a greater amount of time used to reach this point shows hmb as having a positive effect on your anaerobic and aerobic capacity. (4) There have been few studies on its effects for the general population. This includes both active and experienced, and inactive population. 

How does it effect the general population ?

 HMB has been shown to positively effect strength, size,  and athletic performance, but its effect on the general population should also be looked at. HMB is generally thought to effect activities not requiring oxygen. Could it effect aerobic fitness as well.?

In one study, people experienced in fitness were looked at. This test looked at a peak oxygen test otherwise known as vo2 max. This is the maximum amount of oxygen needed for a specific amount of work in a given time period. The subjects' venilatory threshold or point at which you have maxed out and need to recover was also looked at.  A control group, and a group taking hmb were used. High intensity interval training was used as well. This is a combination of short term bursts of activity, followed by lower intensity activity. Results showed a greater effect on the variables measured in the supplement group. This means that less oxygen was needed to perform the same amount of work in a given period. The total time able to perform was also increased. This shows an improvement in both aerobic and anaerobic endurance. (3)

Can it assist in reducing muscle wasting ? 

Other factors such as general and functional strength with the inexperienced individual have been looked at, showing an increase in general strength assessed (5). The effects of the supplement on sarcopenia or muscle wasting is also something to look at (6). The chances of even having sarcopenia or a decrease in its rate can even be reduced. This is due to a history of activity both with resistance training and aerobic training. Therefore, the possibility of developing sarcopenia is less if you have a history of resistance training. (8)

In one study, strength and muscle breakdown was looked at with sedentary people. Three groups were looked at. One taking whey protein, another using hmb and one where they were taken together. No difference in either of the three groups concerning damage to the muscle was seen. I would question these results though. This is because the subjects were untrained and isometric strength instead of dynamic strength was used. From the results of test, along with personal testimonials, hmb is a natural supplement that will help with your performance both on the field and in the gym. 

Overall, hmb has a very positive effect on performance both in the athletic population, and the trained for the general population. Regardless of your experience level in the gym, HMB will assist you in size and strength gains. Also, if put with another supplement like creatine will give you a even better chance at reaching your fitness goals such as increasing size and strength. 


  1. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed?term=(((((%22The%20Journal%20of%20physiology%22%5BJournal%5D)%20AND%20(%222013%2F06%22%5BDate%20-%20Publication%5D%20%3A%20%223000%22%5BDate%20-%20Publication%5D)))%20AND%20591%5BVolume%5D))%20AND%20(Effects%20of%20leucine%5BTitle%5D%20AND%20its%20metabolite%20B-hydroxy-b-methylbutrate%20on%20human%20skeletal%20muscle%20protein%20metabolism%5BTitle%5D)#

2. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/24599749#

3. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed?term=(High%20intensity%20interval%20training%5BTitle%2FAbstract%5D%20AND%20b-hydroxy-b-methylbutyric%20free%20acid%20improves%20aerobic%20power%5BTitle%2FAbstract%5D%20AND%20metabolic%20thresholds%5BTitle%2FAbstract%5D)#

4. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed?term=((%222015%22%5BDate%20-%20Publication%5D%20%3A%20%223000%22%5BDate%20-%20Publication%5D))%20AND%20(The%20efficacy%20of%20a%20b-hydroxy-b-methylbutyrate%20supplementation%20on%20physical%20capacity%2C%20body%20composition%5BTitle%2FAbstract%5D%20AND%20biochemical%20markers%20in%20elite%20rowers%3A%20a%20randomised%2C%20double-blind%2C%20placebo-controlled%20crossover%20study%5BTitle%2FAbstract%5D)#

5. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed?term=(Effects%20of%20free%20leucine%20supplementation%5BTitle%2FAbstract%5D%20AND%20resistance%20training%20on%20muscle%20strength%5BTitle%2FAbstract%5D%20AND%20functional%20status%20in%20older%20adults%3A%20a%20randomized%20controlled%20trial%5BTitle%2FAbstract%5D)#


7. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/29207472#


Cardio-Respitory Adaptations to Exercise

You may enjoy working out whether it is through weight training, or training aerobically. Knowing what is occurring during your workouts is good knowledge to have. Your body adapts to training in different ways depending on the type of training used.

 Two different people could do an identical workout but have different responses to the workout. Here we will cover the cardiorespritory adaptation to exercise. Many people see the bodies systems working alone, but the truth is, they all work together as one. Here we explain both acute and chronic adaptation to exercise that you see as a result of training.

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The cardiovascular, muscular and respiratory systems all work together to use oxygen as efficiently as possibly during activity. With exercise, the blood pumped by the heart per minute can increase up to four times its normal amount. With aerobic exercise, the amount of blood returning to the heart is increased. This is an increase in the diastolic volume which is seen when the heart is relaxed. It will increase the amount of blood going out of the heart each beat.

The heart rate also increases acutely with aerobic activity, but chronically as you adapt it will decrease for doing the same amount of work. Your maximum oxygen uptake is related to the amount of work done and the mass of tissue used. This is related to the amount of oxygen used in the blood during each heart beat. Exercise increases the amount of oxygen used in the tissue until it reaches its maximum level of use during aerobic exercise. This maximum capacity to use the oxygen concerns its transportation to the tissues that are using it.

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Aerobic exercise assists in this by increasing the amount of oxygen that is transported and used by the tissue. Your capillaries assists in this by allowing a more efficient blood uptake of oxygen and transport to the muscles. Training increases the amount of oxygen extracted from blood and the oxygen used. This is where the circulatory and respiratory systems work together to achieve the maximum efficiency of oxygen use.

After you have been training for some time, the heart is able to transport more oxygen to the working muscles with a lower heart rate. Also, there is an increase in the amount of blood that exits the heart each beat. Since the heart rate decreases over time and the amount of blood used increases, they are working together to achieve a more efficient use of oxygen. The time that it takes for your heart to increase to a specific number of beats per minute also decreases over time. This is an adaptation to exercise that shows improved aerobic endurance.

Concerning one's respiratory adaptation to exercise, aerobic training provides the greatest impact on oxygen uptake. There is an improved efficiency of ventilation by a decrease in the air that is needed per liter of oxygen that is used. Your maximum volume of oxygen uptake is a function of your heart rate and blood pumped per beat, as well as the oxygen that is used. Most of the time, an increase in the amount of air used per minute is due to an increase in the volume of oxygen consumed. The volume of oxygen used per breath will increase due to an increase in the dept and frequency of breathing. Frequency of breathing takes a greater role during normal function. While when you are exercising, volume of breathing becomes more efficient than increasing the frequency of breathing.

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The ratio of air used per breath to the oxygen consumed will increase for each liter of oxygen that you use with increases in training. This means there is an increase in oxygen efficiency which is the amount of air needed per liter of oxygen consumed. This is normally 20-25 liters of air per liter of oxygen that is consumed. The efficiency of oxygen use is specific to the muscles that are trained as well. In order to get maximum use of oxygen in the body, your heart rate decreases while increasing the blood pumped from the heart. This allows more blood flow each heart beat. The amount of oxygen used by the muscles for work will increase as well, making your heart, lungs, and muscles more efficient at using oxygen. These are just some ways that your bodies adaptation to exercise occurs.

Training adaptations


This concerns your bodies adaptation to exercise at different elevations. Your body adapts differently to training at different atmospheric pressures and elevations. At elevations greater than 3900 feet the pressure of oxygen in the air is reduced. Your body will make adjustments to compensate for the reduced pressure. Hyper ventilation which involves increases in the frequency and dept of breathing, and an increased heart rate and volume of blood are effective responses to this change. Submaximal heart rate can increase thirty to fifty percent above what it is at sea level. This indicates an increase in blood flow since levels of blood oxygen are decreased. These occur at rest and during exercise. An Increase in the formation of hemoglobin which transports oxygen, as well as capillarization is also seen. Within two weeks heart rate will return to normal values, increasing red blood cell production. Overall, this usually takes about three to six weeks to totally adapt to.


Smoking which is detrimental to your health in many ways, affecting your ability to use oxygen both during activity and at rest. Changes due to nicotine include an increase in airway resistance as well as an increase in fluid secretion and swelling of your bronchi oles. The nicotine also affects the cilia of the respiratory track and limits the removal of excess fluids and foreign particles. This will also decrease the amount of oxygen that can be used by hemoglobin as well as an increase in heart rate and blood pressure. This decrease in the amount of oxygen used by hemoglobin comes from the hemoglobin binding more readily with carbon monoxide than with oxygen. This in effect decreases the amount of oxygen your working muscles can use. Concerning activity and workouts, smoking will decrease your aerobic endurance and capacity of the muscles to use oxygen. This is much different from your normal adaptation to exercise or activity. These effects would be different concerning the type of activity that you are doing, but your aerobic endurance would be affected the most.

Your bodies adaptation to exercise and training is very complex due to the many systems in the body. The cardiovascular and respiratory system are just two. Knowing what is occurring within you as you are exercising or training helps you understand how things are working and your bodies adaptation to exercise. These are only a few of many changes that occur in the body due to exercise.

Using Green Tea for Weight Loss

There are numerous pills and supplements to take that claim to assist you in losing weight. Some of these are more biochemical based, while others are more natural. Green tea is one of these natural substances. Does using green tea for weight loss work ? Here we will look at possible effects of using green tea on weight loss. Green tea has claimed to help with weight loss for quite some time, but here we will show you if these claims are true or not.

What is Green Tea ?

Green tea originated in china and is all natural, not going through the same process used to make other teas. It is grown and harvested in different ways. This affects its aroma and taste, allowing all the nutrients to be maintained. The leaves normally go through three or four harvests a year. After they are grown, they are dried using a variety of methods. This includes sun drying, oven drying, or steaming. The process that they go through before being put on the shelf given them a longer shelf life and flavor. There are also numerous types or strains of green tea that is grown within different countries including China, Korea, as well as Japan.

Can it help with different health conditions ?

Green tea is said to be able to assist with many symptoms and conditions. This includes cardiovascular, cholesterol, inflammation (8,9), weight loss, and other conditions. Concerning cholesterol levels, results from some studies point to green tea assisting in decreasing the level of ldl cholesterol, while maintaining hdl levels of cholesterol.(11,14) The main effect green tea is said to have is a thermogenic effect. This increases your rate of metabolism, leading to possible weight loss. It has even been said to decrease muscle atrophy seen due to aging. In one study, three groups were used. One group used a controlled diet, one a high fat diet, and another group used a high fat diet along with green tea extract. This study lasted a total of four months. Results showed that the tea extract prevented loss of lean tissue. This may be beneficial for those inactive, or the older population through decreasing the level of muscle wasting. (1 )

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The majority of the time, you think of green tea as assisting in losing weight during the weight loss process. Although there may be some truth to this, green tea can also help in maintaining your body fat, and not so much fat loss. It is said that both green tea and caffeine can work together in effecting ones' level of thermogenesis and metabolism focusing on specific types of body fat. (2,5) Green tea helps with other medical conditions as well. One study looked at the effects of green tea on metabolism and hormonal effects of women with poly cystic ovarian syndrome. Symptoms of PCOS include an increase in androgen levels, irregular periods, and difficulties getting pregnant. It can also cause long term metabolic issues, along with hypertension, diabetes, and cardiovascular disease.

Factors involved in the effects of green tea

The condition is thought to be due to genetic and environmental factors, as well as possible hormonal regulations of the hypothalamus. A decrease in body fat levels through activity can assist in decreasing these effects, although there is no known cure. For the study, two groups of thirty women that had poly cystic ovarian syndrome were looked at. Green tea was given to one group, while a placebo was given to the other group. Results showed a significant decrease for the green tea group in weight, free testosterone levels, and fasting insulin levels when compared to the other groups. The decrease in free testosterone levels may indicate green tea as helping regulate hormonal levels. (7)

There are a number of variables that could effect outcomes of tests that are done on the effects of green tea. This includes things such as gender, activity level, genes, the individual tested, age, previous medical conditions, and other factors. This is true because no two individuals' metabolism is identical. Although genetics could play a small part in one being overweight, nutritional choices and activity level are two main factors in maintaining a healthy weight.

Supplements for weight loss may help, but they are only to assist in the process. Good eating habits, along with activity when put together with the supplements can be effective. In one study, three treatments were given. This included green tea extract with caffeine, caffeine alone, and a placebo. The green tea group had an increase in twenty-four hour energy expenditure, with the caffeine only showing no change. This showed a possible effect of the green tea extracts in promoting thermogenesis and fat use for energy.(3 )

Concerning genetics and ones' response to green tea, it was looked at finding the mechanism of protection against obesity. (10 ) Your level of health and activity can also play a role in whether or not green tea would effect your body composition. If your level of activity is high and you are not extremely over weight, green tea may not have as much of an effect as it does for one who is inactive and not as healthy.

For one study, the effects of green tea on overall weight loss and abdominal fat loss was looked at. Subjects used were average level of activity. Three groups were used, a control group, a green tea group, an interval sprint group, and an interval sprint group plus green tea group. The green tea plus training group had thirty-six total sessions over twelve weeks, with forty eight total subjects tested.

Both training only and training plus green tea groups had a decrease in body fat and an increase in lean mass. No difference was seen between the interval training plus green tea or interval training only groups concerning weight loss. No changes were seen in the control and green tea only groups. This shows that your activity level may have more of an effect on weight loss as opposed to the green tea. (12 ) Although green tea may not effect body fat loss in some, it can have an effect on your endurance capacity through increasing it, as well as the use of fat for fuel (4)

Instead of assisting in fat loss, green tea may help in the prevention of obesity or hypoglycemia. It has shown when levels of cholesterol were tested to assist in actually reducing the levels of bad cholesterol, while leaving the good cholesterol unchanged. (11,15 ). Although green tea is said to assist in increasing ones' thermogenic level and metabolism, specific foods can also effect its effectiveness. (13) Green tea has also been found to have no effects on decreasing specific bio markers of obesity (6). This indicates that green tea may have a positive effect on many other more serious medical conditions.

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Overall, green tea is a good natural supplement to use for weight loss and for general health and well-being. The previous medical conditions mentioned along with general health and wellness are great reasons to use it and put it into your daily nutrition.
















The Easiest Way to Measure Body Fat

There are numerous ways to lose body fat, but also ways to test your body composition concerning fat and overall body weight. Although you have to account for other factors such as your bones and organs, body composition testing gives a very accurate measure of your body fat.

There are numerous ways to test your level of body fat. Many of these involve another individual having to do the testing. There are other ways as well. Whats the easiest way to measure body fat you may ask.  Here we will discuss using what is called bioelectircal impedance to measure your body composition. Although it is not the most accurate way of testing, it is the easiest way to measure body fat.

What is bio electrical impedance ?

Bioelectrical impedance is a form of body composition testing where a very small electrical current is run through the body in order to measure the conduction of electricity within the body. This allows you to get a general reading of your body composition. In order for the test to be accurate, you must first make sure that you are properly hydrated both with water and electrolytes.

If your body does not have the electrolytes needed, the reading will be very inaccurate. This system of testing works through the fact that lean muscle tissue is a much better conductor of electricity than fat. This is due to the difference in density. With fat being much denser than muscle, the electricity is not able to pass through the tissue as easily.

This is where hydration comes in as being important since your muscle is made of 85% water. This is probably the easiest way to measure body fat. In order to get an accurate reading, you must first put in general information such as your height and weight.

Devices used

There are two different devices that are used to conduct a bio electrical impedance test. This includes either a scale which you stand on, or a hand held device. Obviously the hand held device is much more convenient since it can be carried with you, while a scale can be used only at home.

If you only want to test yourself periodically, a scale may be your best choice, but if you want to do this on more of a set schedule, I would advise to use the handheld device. Bioelectrical impedance machines are made in many brands and models. It just depends on whether you want only general information, or more specifics. Depending on your needs, you may have to pay more. Here are just some bio electrical body composition machines that are produced.


Tanita is the first company that came out with the original body fat analyzer scale in 1994. The technology that is used is bar none when compared to other manufactures. Tanita devices measure both intracellular, extra cellular, and total body water. They also do this with using up to six different frequencies which makes the measurement more accurate.


The Tanita ironman body composition scale is great for anyone that is into fitness and wants to keep track of their fitness goals. This would be best suited for anyone that has a lifestyle of working out and staying in shape. It measures weight, body fat, muscle mass, body mass index, bone mass, and even basel metabolic rate. It can also track up to four people.


These body composition monitors will allow you to keep track of your overall level of fitness and help you in reaching your fitness goals.


This body fat monitor is hand held which makes it very portable. It uses metal strips on the sides of the handles similar to those that measure your heart rate on a cardio machine. This is great for anyone that normally goes to the gym for a workout, or out for a run. It even comes with a thirty-day money back guarantee.


This body fat monitor is unique in the sense that it uses sensors for both arms and legs, while most scale based monitors only send signals through the legs, this monitor has a hand held device built in, increasing the accuracy. Its very simple to use, and can store data for up to four people. It measures body weight, age, resting metabolism, body fat, as well as lean mass.

Weight guru digital

If you want to go high tech, this may be the product for you. The weight guru digital scale is compatible with blue tooth, WiFi, apple health, fit bit, as well as other applications. You're able to send information straight to your phone. It allows you to track your weight, body mass index, body fat, muscle mass, and even water weight. It even comes with a 5 year warranty. The weight guru digital is challenging to set up, but when it is functioning properly, its easy to use.

Fit bit aria Wi-Fi smart scale

This is another WiFi scale that will work with your fit bit device. It accurately measures your weight, body composition, as well as body mass index. Your able to upload the information to your fit bit each time you step on the scale. It has enough memory for up to eight people. It has been reported though for there to be an inaccurate measurement of body fat percentage, so I may question this.

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This scale has all the basic functions that you need in order to measure your level of health. It measures your body fat %, muscle mass, bone mass, weight, and percentage of water. It does have a weight limit of 400 lbs, and it measures in either pounds or kilograms. There is also enough memory to store information for up to eight people.

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Withings WS 50 Wi-Fi

This scale gives very accurate weight and body mass index measurements. It also allows you to track your progression on your smart phone. To use this scale, you must have an android or an apple device in order to set it up. It is even able to detect the specific person on the scale, and uses multiple web services as well. I would only error on caution because it has been said to be somewhat inaccurate when it comes to body composition.

There are so many digital body composition scales that it is difficult to choose the correct one for you. If I was looking for a basic scale to measure body fat, the omron HBF 514-c is a great choice since it measures using both arms and legs. Depending on how much you want to spend, the simplest scale that connects to your computer is probably the Guru digital. The hand held device is also convenient if you want to take it with you for a workout.

Overall, each of these scales are good, it just depends on your goals and how often you want to keep track of them that may determine which is best for you. 

Preventing and Treating ACL Injuries

There are many different injuries that happen to the muscles, ligaments and tendons in the body. Some are treatable and require surgery, while others may just be injuries from overuse.

The ligaments of the knee which connect the bones to each other are the most common part of the knee injured. The main ligament that is injured is the anterior cruciate ligament. The main purpose of this ligament is to resist anterior movement of the tibia or shin bone in relation to the femur when stress is applied. Here we cover different types of exercises for both preventing and treating ACL injuries.

How do knee injuries occur

A injury to a tendon, ligament, or joint could be due to participating in a stressful activity such as a contact sport like football, extreme sports, tennis, or skiing. It could also be or just from over use and it finally giving out due to a decrease in strength. 

In skiing the injury may come from the quick movements of the hips  as well as the downward force that is put on the femur when leaning forward. The side to side motion puts strain on the  ligaments located on the left and right side, while the other forces put strain on the front and back ligaments.  The knee has four main ligiments. These include the anterior and posterior cruciate ligaments, as well as the lateral and medial collateral ligaments.  These four ligaments work together to stabalize the knee joint in place. When the joint takes a direct blow with intense force, breakage can occur. The main ligament that is often injured is the anterior ligament, but any of them are suseptable to being injured. Here is a brief discription of the four ligaments and how they work.

Cruciate ligaments:

These ligaments attach to the femur and tibia. They are named from their relation to the tibia since the anterior ligament attaches to the anterior portion of the tibia, and the posterior ligament attaches to the posterior of the tibia. They lie deep within the knee joint and cross over in the middle.

The anterior cruciate ligament  connects to the anterior of the tibia and posterior of the femur. It's purpose is to keep the tibia from sliding too far forward in relation to the femur.The poster cruciate ligament attaches to the posterior of the tibia and anterior of the femur. Its purpose is to keep the tibia from sliding too far backwards in relation to the femur. These ligaments balance forces placed on them. It is much more common to see an injury to the ACL since the PCL is much stronger. They also assist in helping you keep your balance.

Collateral ligaments

These ligaments absorb any force that comes from the inner or outer thigh latterly or medially. The more common injury to these ligaments is the medial ligament which deals with stress coming from the outer thigh.

The medial collateral ligament connects the thigh bone to the shin on the inside of the knee. It absorbs any shock or stress which comes from the outside of the knee. This is known as valgus stress.

The lateral collateral ligament connects the thigh bone to the shin on the outside of the knee. It absorbs any shock or force which comes from the inner knee. This is known as varus stress.

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Factors concerning treatment

The best way to deal with injuries is to prevent them from happening. Different exercises can strengthen these ligaments. A number of studies have been done on preventive measures for knee ligament injuries. Some were on general population, but most looked at the athletic population.

One main type of training given to decrease the chances of an injury occurring is neuromuscular training (2,3). Exercises involving balance and static stretching are important to decrease the chances of injury happening again(1). Differences in gender and prevention of acl injuries concerning non contact activities have also been looked at. Focusing on training, proprioception, strength, and agility drills as well as verbal feedback come into play when training to prevent an acl injury from occurring. (4,5).

Exercises used

The types of exercises used have a impact on preventing a second injury. In one study, young rugby players were looked at concerning movement capacity treatment options to assist in preventing a knee injury. A Functional movement screen was used. Exercises like the squat, leg raises, push ups, as well as shoulder mobility exercises were used.

Groups were separated into a contact group and a non contact group. Contact and non contact injuries were reported for one season. The test lasted a total of twelve weeks. Four weeks focused on mobility, four on stability, and the other four focused on integration. Results showed the intervention group increasing their scores on the screen tests given. Their injury rate was also lower. The improvement in movement capacity indicated these exercises as effective at decreasing the chances of another injury. (10)

Training and instruction

The types of exercises performed are not the only important factors involved in training to prevent an injury. Verbal feedback and psychological factors are also important. (11)  In one study three types of feedback were used to determine which showed the greatest improvement in retention of information and performance.  This included verbal external focus, verbal internal focus, video instructions, and a control group.

This study focused on landing technique. During the first week, instructions and feedback was given.  The participants were allowed to get as much feedback as needed. One week later, the same drills were performed with no instructions or feedback. From the four groups, the external focus group and the video instruction group showed the greatest improvement in landing technique. This suggest external focus as well as video instructions as being an important part of the rehabilitation and training process (9).

Level of experience

When you have an injury like an acl injury, the time it takes to return to play is also a factor.  This involves not only returning to play,  but possibly even the length of your career. For one study, a group of soccer players that had acl surgery were looked at. Upon being cleared to return to play, the majority of players were used as backups. These players also played in a less games as well. (7) This could be due to the coaches concern of a injury happening again.

The severity of the injury  is only one factor in the rehabilitation process. Age also plays a role as well. For example, there are many other variables involved in deciding if a younger athlete should have surgery or not. Even if surgery is un avoidable other factors should be considered as well. This includes things such as skeletal age, risks of growth disturbance, another rupture occurring, stiffness, infection, and even differences in individual responses to surgery (6). These are all major factors to be consider when you are having to treat a child for any severe physical injury.

Level of treatment

Different factors are looked at concerning ones progress in rehabilitation and their ability to return to normal activities. Shock absorbtion the knee is able to take is a variable that is looked at. This concerns the area that absorbs the majority of shock and its distribution from landing. This can be assessed doing a hop test, with coorelations between the hop test and isokinetic strength. (8) The main thing that you want to see as a result of this test is a decrease in the force put on the knee, with the hip absorbing more of the force upon landing (12). Other factors needed to be considered when rehabbing from an acl injury include things such as changeable movement patterns, neuromuscular training, and plyometrics. Personal changes should also be made concerning strengths or weaknesses of the individual being treated. (13)

When looking at preventing and treating acl injuries, many variables should be considered. This includes the types of exercises performed,  the persons age, as well as level of experience. The way in which instructions are given is even a important factor in seeing a increase in performance. Each of these are important in the prevention and treatment of a injury. In order to achieve optimal performance, each should be looked at. The focus may be different depending on the needs of the individual being treated. These measures for training can be used for preventing and treating acl injuries.


1. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/23922282#

2. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/22745221#

3. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/25452612#

4. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/22742077#

5. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC1748422/#

6. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5865521/#

7. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5788107/#

8. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5692146/#

9. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5675367/#

10. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5667599/#

11. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5780279/#

12. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5593213/#

13. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5577417/#

Aerobic Training Adaptations

There are numerous ways to get an effective workout, but how you train depends on your overall goal. This comes down to two different forms of training, aerobic, or anaerobic. Aerobic means with oxygen, while anaerobic means without oxygen. Regardless of your overall goal, you should probably train both ways, just one more than the other depending on your main goal. Your body changes physiologically to both types of training. Here we go into detail on aerobic training adaptations that your body goes through over the course of training.

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These are only some events that fall into either category concerning the way in which you would have to train for the event. There are more aerobic adaptations to exercise and training as opposed to anaerobic training.

We will first go through different factors you should know about, along with definitions of some terms used.

Types of adaptations include: cardiovascular, pulmonary, and respiratory adaptations. Here are some terms you should know in order for things to make more sense.

Heart rate: The frequency of heart beats per minute.

Stroke Volume: This is the amount of blood pumped out of the left ventricle of the heart each heart beat.

Cardiac Output: Heart rate X Stroke volume = cardiac output

Avo2 difference: Difference in the amount of arterial and venous blood measured prior to and after being used. This gives the amount of oxygen used by the muscle.

Onset of blood lactate accumulation: This is the point at which oxygen becomes unavailable to the muscle and the amount produced to used becomes unbalanced, causing a buildup of lactic acid within the muscle. Many activities the production and usage rate is even, allowing for continued activity.

Tidal volume: The amount of air and oxygen in one normal breath

Expiatory reserve volume: The amount of air and oxygen remaining in the lungs after a full expiration

Inspiritory reserve volume: The amount of air remaining after a full inhalation

Total lung capacity: Tidal volume, expiatory, and inspiritory volumes added together.

Vo2 max: This is the maximum venilatory oxygen consumption

Blood Pressure

Systolic: This is the highest pressure the heart is at prior to the valve being opened in the left ventricle to release the blood.

Diastolic: This is the lowest pressure the heart is at prior to the atrium being filled with blood.

Mitochondria: These are the "powerhouse of the cell" They limit muscle capacity, but the size and number are more in trained individuals, increasing their capacity to do work.

Substances used for energy

Carbs: Carbohydrates are the bodies main source of energy. They come in the form of glucose. This includes simple and complex carbohydrates.

A decrease in carbohydrates for fuel will result in an increase in fat being used. This may be from a decrease in muscle glycogen use, which is the storage form of glucose, and a decrease in glucose production.

Fats: These come in two forms, saturated, and unsaturated. Saturated fats want to be avoided since they cause things such as heart attacks due to blocked arteries.

Fats are broken down for energy mainly during aerobic training. This may be due to an increase in a fat metabolizing enzyme. This will conserve glycogen for use later on during an activity. There is an increase in energy from fat, and a decrease in energy from carbohydrates after training occurs.

Proteins: Protein is the body's last choice concerning being used as a source of energy. Protein is used more for the rebuilding of tissue and recovery after activity.

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Here are some of these changes and how the body adapts to these changes. Every individual is different so ones' reaction or adaptation to training may not be exactly the same. Here is an example of a trained vs untrained individual and differences that are seen.

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Effects of aerobic training on different physiological aspects of the body.


Concerning heart rate, although a similar heart rate is being worked with for both trained and untrained individuals, a trained individuals rate of increase to that specific heart rate is slower than those that are untrained. This is in relation to ventilation and blood flow which affect oxygen consumption. Over time, the sub maximum heart rate decreases, while increasing the oxygen consumed per heart beat.

Long term training results in an increase in hearts mass and volume. Fibers thicken and number of filaments increase. This occurs along with an increase in power output. A trained individuals hearts are usually around 25% larger than the average sedentary person.

This comes from the stretching and dilation of the ventricles, which also allow there to be a greater capacity for stroke volume, blood flow, and cardiac output. An increase in the size of the arteries, which positively effect systolic and diastolic pressures is seen as well.

The increase in blood flow and increased maximum cardiac output are usually because of blood coming from non-active areas. This involves a decrease in sub-maximal cardiac output and an increase in oxygen extraction allowing more efficient blood flow. This increases the ability to generate ATP aerobically as well.


Upon training, a greater amount of oxygen consumption per heart beat is seen prior to a targeted heart rate being reached as opposed to those not trained. This comes partially from a more efficient blood flow of oxygen.

A lower stroke volume and cardiac output decreases ones' capacity to circulate oxygen efficiently. The maximum stroke volume usually occurs between 40 and 50 percent of ones' Vo2 max in the untrained. This explains why for one study, untrained individuals that had a lower level of Vo2 max had a lower maximum stroke volume and opposed to those that were trained.

Along with an increase in Vo2 max comes an increase in tidal volume and a decrease in breathing rate as well. This decreases the amount of total oxygen cost used for breathing, allowing the oxygen to be used more efficiently in other places.

Trained individuals' percentage of oxygen concerning exhaled air is a smaller percentage of Vo2 max than that of the untrained. This is while using the same intensity. Due to the greater amount of oxygen consumed, there is a greater maximum oxygen consumption for the trained individual than the untrained. This is partially due to the oxygen being able to stay in the lungs longer, and a increase in the strength of the venilatory muscles. This is the same as saying the trained have a greater AVo2 difference and Vo2 max than those that are untrained. Because of this decreased amount of oxygen used per breath by untrained individuals, they must move more air in order to obtain the same oxygen consumption at submaximal levels.

This increase in oxygen uptake or Avo2 difference can be up to greater than three times the resting volume. It can be seen through measuring venous oxygen content which is being returned to the heart.

A biological chemical called lactate is a limiting factor in the uptake of oxygen. This will decrease the efficiency of oxygen use when what is called the onset of blood lactate accumulation occurs. With training this point can be increased. This is thought to happen from a decrease in lactate formation, an increase in the rate of removal, or a combination of the two. It also indicates that ones ability to use lactate as fuel is improving as well. The fact that this maximum level is seen at a higher level of Vo2 sub max in the trained indicates a greater oxygen consumption over time. Both the level of blood lactate accumulation and intensity of a workout are key factors in endurance performance.


In conclusion, aerobic training increases the size of the heart, allowing a more efficient blood flow and an increased cardiac output. This decreases the sub-maximal heart rate & oxygen consumption per heart beat. At the same time, the total oxygen consumed, and maximum amount of oxygen that can be consumed or Vo2 max increase. This occurs while a decrease in breathing rate, air used, and an increase in level of onset of blood lactate accumulation are seen. These factors allow more time to reach the desired training level, indicating an improved aerobic capacity and efficiency, increasing ones' level of performance.

Testing Fitness Levels

If you're not using a trainer and want to keep track of your progress, using bioelectral impedence is one way to do this. You should first make sure you're hydrated in order for the results to be accurate. Here are just some products available.   

Bioelectrical Impedance

Bioelectrical impedance is a form of body composition testing where a very small electrical current is run through the body in order to measure the conduction of electricity within the body. In order for the test to be accurate, you must first make sure that you are properly hydrated both with water and electrolytes.   This is probably the easiest way to measure body fat.  Below are links to some of the best devices for this.

Yoga Clothing





Weight Guru Digital

Fitbit Aria https://www.fitbit.com/global/us/products/scales/aria-air

Eat Smart Precision

 The omron HBF 514-c is a great choice since it measures using both arms and legs. Depending on how much you want to spend, the simplest scale that connects to your computer is probably the Guru digital. The hand held device is also convenient if you want to take it with you for a workout.

Heart Rate

Heart Rate Max = 220-Age

General Health Weight Loss Performance
57-63% 64-75% 70-80%
1 Rep Max

  1. Start out with comfortable 10 rep warmup

Rest for 2-3 minutes between sets

For Upper body, increase weight 5-15 % each set, and 10-20% for lower

2. If successful increase weight and attempt 6-8 reps

3. If successful increase weight and attempt 4-6 reps

4. If successful increase weight and attempt 2-4 reps

5. If successful increase weight and attempt 1 rep. If successful, continue attempting 1 repetition until failure.