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Does Exercise Help Relieve Depression

Physical activity can have an effect on depression and other psychological or mental conditions. Depression is a psychological condition that affects people worldwide. Depression can come from multiple things. These include past or current situations such as a death of a family member or loved one, a traumatic event, a relationship, your lack of income, or other possible situations. Here we try to answer the question does exercise help depression ? 

Situational Depression

Situational depression could come from only one, or multiple situations.. Different individuals may deal with specific issues in different ways. This could be the difference in developing depression or not. One person could see a situation as discouraging and depressing. The other person may be able to control their emotions.

Emotions are your reaction to the situation. How you handle your feelings will determine your level of depression. If you are able to deal with it within a short period,  it would be short term depression. Unlike chronic depression, short term depression does not affect you as severely. Chronic depression can actually make up part of your personality if allowed.

With short term depression, you're are usually able to accept the situation. When you cant express your feelings, you are keeping it to yourself. This can make the situation much worse. The effects the exercise has on depression are very positive. It may be a good tool to use for this.

Chronic Depression

Chronic depression is when you are not able to release your feelings. You try to deal with it yourself. It is mentally and even physically unhealthy. The sooner that it is dealt with, the better you are. This includes emotionally, physically, and spiritually. Many people use food to deal with emotions.

This can have affects such as weight gain. If you can control the overeating, you decrease these chances of weight gain. If you allow yourself to continue and become overweight, this may require more help depending on the severity. Overcoming depression and its side affects will require speaking with a psycholigist or counselor. Overcoming a depressed state gives you a new outlook on life allowing a healthier lifestyle.

Most situations you have no control over, but some you do. An example may be someone dying of a heart attack. Things such as sexual or physical abuse that happens at a younger age, you would have no control over. Later on though, these type of situations can be dealt with as a part of the healing process.

Depression is only part of a five step process. These include denial, anger, bargaining, depression, and acceptance. As stated before, there are many ways that you may deal with the depression. This includes smoking, drinking which could lead to abuse, or even over eating. There are many medical treatments for depression. Although these medications are effective, activity is also an important factor in decreasing the risk of depression. Adding exercise and activities to current treatments will also help in the treatment.

Risk factors and treatments

There are numerous factors concerning treatments for depression. Here we look at using physical activity and exercise as a tool in decreasing symptoms of the development of depression. Using it as a treatment is also covered. Although exercise may not be an actual treatment by its self for depression, it's good to use it as a therapy when combined with medications. (9). Although physical activity has been shown to be as effective as anti depressants, some doctors still question this (1). The reason for this is unknown, but it could concern the financial aspects. If exercise was used more, less medication would be needed. This may decrease pharmacy sales. Exercise may be used to decrease the symptoms and risks of developing depression.  It may also slow its progression. Factors of developing depression can include your age (5), living environment, current level of activity or life experiences.

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Activity level.

The effects exercise has on depression includes decreasing the risk of developing depression. It can also decreases ones level of depression. One thing that you must consider is ones level of depression. Many times those that already have depression, have a difficult time using physical activity for treatment. It is easier for someone who is only at risk for depression to use this therapy (7).

Exercise and physical activity can be used as tools to treat depression. It may have more of an effect on decrease the risk of developing depression though. Activities include those that are aerobic such as running, walking, or swimming, or anaerobic activities using resistance training.

In one study, 7300 people were looked at. A questionnaire was used to measure their current level of symptoms of depression. This included mild, moderate, and major levels. The affects of anaerobic exercise on the risk of developing depression was observed. Women had a higher chance of developing depression than men. Results showed that anaerobic activity is inversely related to the symptoms of developing depression. (8) 

Activities such as yoga can also be used (11). It has even been shown that when someone exercises,any grudges they may hold will decrease. It will also increase their the level of ability to forgive someone. (15). This can help relieve any depression you may have. The level of intensity of the activity can also affect the development of depression (14). Work is a big stressor that affects people. An increase in mental stress could lead to depressive symptoms.

In one study twenty-nine thousand employees with no previous diagnosis of a mental condition were followed for nine years. The level of intensity of activity or exercise was looked at using a questionnaire.  Moderate activity, or moderate and vigorous activity decreased the symptoms of developing depression the most (12).

Other activities to use as a therapy for depression include outdoor activities. This includes  rock climbing, virtual reality activities (10), and even martial arts. In one study, the effects of rock climbing on emotional control and developing depression was looked at. Twenty people used rock climbing for therapy, while twenty used relaxation techniques. Rock climbing was shown to have a positive affect on ones ability to cope with their emotions.  A decrease in depression levels was also seen, helping control ones emotional regulations. This in turn could decrease the risk of developing depression (16).


Someones age can also contribute to the development of depression. When you combine age with level of activity, the relationship can be seen. Those less active are more likely to develop late life depression symptoms than those that are active (2). This means that activity can bring a decreased risk at the development of depression. In one study, the affects of physical activity, recreation, and arts and crafts, were used. This was to test the levels of cognition and depression in the older population. These activities were done twice a week for eight weeks. Activities of daily living, cognitive function, and level of depression were measured. This was done both before and after the test through using a questionnaire. Results showed a positive affect on cognition, and a decrease in depression. These activitys could be used as therapy for depression in the older population (13). Depression can also affect the younger population as well. Those that are more  active are at a lesser risk of the developing depression when compared to the inactive (3).


The environment  is also thought to be a factor in developing depression.  An example of this may be the residence of nursing homes, of which many times experience physical abuse. Exercise or activity may be a way of relieving general stress and possible depression. (6)

One study looked at children taking tae kwon do. Three groups of eight students were looked at. One group took tae kwon do and were part of a multi cultural family.  One group was a control group and part of a multi cultural family. This group did not take tae kwon do. The other group was non multi cultural. Results showed the students taking tae kwon do and in multi cultural environments had improved scores. This included levels of anger, hostility, and tension. This suggests tae kwon do as being an effective activity to decreas symptoms of depression in the younger population (4).

When medical treatments are put together with physical activity, better results may be seen than using medications alone. It may be suggested that if you are taking current medication to start being more physically active. Even though treatment is part of depression, decreasing the symptoms and risks of developing it is more important. The effects exercise has on depression is primarily decreasing the chances of its development. If you think you may develop depression, try to be more physically active. Use it as a way to release your feelings. This may decrease the possibilities of developing depression.


1. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5430071/#

2. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5976873/#

3. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5975990/#

4. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5908989/#

5. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5923696/#

6. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5869769/#

7. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5863463/#

8. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5984245/#

9. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5845641/#



12. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5792232/#

13. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5430285/#

14. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5410033/#

15. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5420563/#

16. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5566792/#

Weight loss supplement


HCG stands for Human Chorionic Genadotropin. It is a glycoprotein that is made up of two hundred and thirty-seven amino acids. The main purpose for this protein is its use during pregnancy. One thing that it does during this time is allows progesterone to secrete, which in turn assists in having good blood vessels and capillaries that help to support the growing fetus. It can also be used to monitor certain diseases, and even tumors. Could it be used as a weight loss supplement as well though ?



HCG and Weight Loss
The use of this substance was first connected to weight loss through a Dr. Simmons. Which after ten years of study with both male and female subjects was able to conclude that when HCG was put together with a strict eating and exercise plan, it was possible to lose weight. Because of its effect on the hypothalamus, there is also an effect which helps curb cravings and decrease appetite. Although this is true, I was unable to substantiate these findings through actual research papers.

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Studies on weight loss
There are other research studies that have been done which point toward the opposite of the HCG not being the main factor in the weight loss that was seen. In one study, which took place using obese women in a clinical setting. The subjects received the same diet and calories and were weighed on a regular basis. One group was injected with the HCG and the other was not. The end results showed HCG as having no effect on the weight reduction seen between the two groups. In another similar study, two groups were tested, one was injected with HCG, while the other was injected with a placebo. The results of this study were identical which may point toward some other factor being the cause of the weight lost. There was also a study that looked at previous studies and the methods that were used. A score from 16-100 points were given showing their level of methodology. Upon finishing the review, it was concluded that HCG has no scientific evidence for any effectivness in treating obesity and helping with weight loss.



How can it assist in performance ?

Although the main reason for this protein is what was previously mentioned, it has also been used by athletes as a performance enhancing hormone. HCG is used mainly during and after cycles in order to maintain testes size and natural production of testosterone. At some point though, after too many high level steroids have been used, this can decrease leutinizing hormone which is responsible for transporting testosterone from the pituitary gland to the testes. This is where the HCG can be used in place of LH. At some point though, a peak will be reached where your own production of testosterone will have decreased, and the effectiveness of the drugs will plateau. Using this or any other steroid for enhancing performance is only short term.

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Other studies

Although this may be discouraging concerning the lack of using HCG  for weight loss, there are other uses for HCG as well. As mentioned before, it is a factor in the development of a fetus during pregnancy, so some of these conditions are within the field of health and wellness. This focuses more on your overall health and not only fitness. HCG plays a role in monitoring pregnancy and ovarian cell tumors. In one study HCG promoted migration of the tumors. This says that HCG may be able to regulate metastasis of ovarian cancer, and possibly be used theraputicly in the treatment of ovarian cancer. Other studies have shown similar results. In another study, it showed the influence of HCG on marking the formation of a tumor in breast cancer. It can also decrease the expression of estrogen receptors which protect against breast cancer.

These previous studies mentioned, along with many others show the impact that HCG can have on certain cancer cells within the female body and at some point may be used as a form of therapy in treating different types of cancer which is a big step in the right direction of fighting cancer.

Although the protein HCG hasn't been shown to help in weight loss, there are other positive factors that its use can bring, including assistance in performance and workouts, as well as a possible use in treating different types of cancers that someone may have.

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Overall, studies showed that HCG is ineffective when it comes to weight loss, and that the weight loss that was seen in the subjects that were being tested, probably came from other factors involved such as eating habits, as well as level of activity. Also, although many people use HCG for performance enhancing purposes, because of its effects on the bodies' natural production of hormones, this is not advised. Also, the fact that there is a chance of HCG having a positive effect on medical conditions is encouraging and may be more promising when more research has been done.