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What are the best protein supplements

There are a number of different protein supplements to take for pre and post workouts. Here we  look at the timing of  protein supplements, as well as which type of  supplement that is best for you. This may depend on your goals concerning your health. 

Supplementation is usually used as a replacement meal.  This is a good thing to do, and  the timing of your meals is also an important factor. Regardless of your health or fitness goals, timing of meals is important. This includes eating once every three hours or so with some between meal snacks. This can include protein supplements.

Eating six instead of three meals a day will increase your metabolism. The highest amount of calories you should consume is just prior to and after the busiest part of your day. This means things like going to the gym or just for a walk. The remaining amount of calories consumed should be spaced throughout the day.

 A  shake along with some form of carbohydrate between meals should be part of your daily calorie intake. This will help maintain  or increase your metabolic rate  giving you more energy.  Consuming enough protein and increasing your activity level each day becomes more important as we get older mainly due to oxidative stress (1). One of the main amino acids that helps in assisting with this stress is leucine.  This comes in the highest amount in the form of whey protein and can be more effective in assisting in recovery after a workout (5). Because of having more leucine, it may be the best type of supplement to use pre and posts workout. In one study though, this proved not to be the case.

Groups were compared  concerning increases in strength and lean body mass. One group took whey, while the other used soy  replacement. These results showed no significant results concerning differences in strength or size gain between the two groups. This showed soy to have just as much of an effect as does whey on ones' size and strength. (8).

Timing of supplement Intake

Not only is the type of protein important, but the timing of your meals is also an important factor. Whether your working out or not, the timing of meal consumption is an important factor. This helps you maintain your blood sugar levels, along with a healthy metabolic rate.  As stated before, you should consume the majority of calories prior to the busiest part of the day like a workout.

It has been shown that the ingestion of a supplement both pre and post exercise helped at increasing size and strength (2). Just prior to a workout, it may be best for the majority of calories consumed be from carbohydrates along with some protein or essential amino acids (6) This is because carbohydrates are your bodies' first choice of calories used. Whey protein also assists in how fast carbohydrate are used allowing the body to use them faster. Therefore, consumption of a supplement along with some form of simple carbohydrate may be best (7).

In one study, the timed ingestion was looked at both before and after exercise. The cross-sectional area of the muscle was measured both before and after twenty-one weeks of resistance training. It turned out that protein intake increased the cross-sectional area of the muscle and that taking a supplement close to a resistance training program may be more advantageous for an increase in muscle size as opposed to other times throughout the day.(3)


Level of experience

Concerning your level of health and activity, a supplement won't have the same effect if your inactive.  If you are active and your body is used to stress , the body may react differently when time is taken off for a break between training sessions. It has been shown though that strength and lean mass can be maintained during a time of down training regardless of the supplement taken post exercise (4)

What are the best protein supplements ?  Whey protein may be your best choice when compared to other protein sources such as soy or casein.

Soy has been shown to be as effective as other proteins, but unless it is natural, I would avoid taking it. It has been said that soy could possibly have a negative effect on the neurological system. This may effect those with different neurological disorders such as autism, Alzheimer, epilepsy, or other disorders.(9) Overall, whether it is for a general purpose, or for increasing your strength or size, whey is probably the best type of protein supplement to use.


1. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/23239011#

2. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/17095924#

3. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/18661258#

4. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/28328712#

5. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/29200982#

6. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/23241341#

7. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/28530448#

8. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/29722584#

9  https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed?term=((%22Frontiers%20in%20neurology%22%5BJournal%5D)%20AND%20(%222014%2F09%22%5BDate%20-%20Publication%5D%20%3A%20%223000%22%5BDate%20-%20Publication%5D))%20AND%20Westmark%20CJ%5BAuthor%5D#



Weight loss supplement


HCG stands for Human Chorionic Genadotropin. It is a glycoprotein that is made up of two hundred and thirty-seven amino acids. The main purpose for this protein is its use during pregnancy. One thing that it does during this time is allows progesterone to secrete, which in turn assists in having good blood vessels and capillaries that help to support the growing fetus. It can also be used to monitor certain diseases, and even tumors. Could it be used as a weight loss supplement as well though ?



HCG and Weight Loss
The use of this substance was first connected to weight loss through a Dr. Simmons. Which after ten years of study with both male and female subjects was able to conclude that when HCG was put together with a strict eating and exercise plan, it was possible to lose weight. Because of its effect on the hypothalamus, there is also an effect which helps curb cravings and decrease appetite. Although this is true, I was unable to substantiate these findings through actual research papers.

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Studies on weight loss
There are other research studies that have been done which point toward the opposite of the HCG not being the main factor in the weight loss that was seen. In one study, which took place using obese women in a clinical setting. The subjects received the same diet and calories and were weighed on a regular basis. One group was injected with the HCG and the other was not. The end results showed HCG as having no effect on the weight reduction seen between the two groups. In another similar study, two groups were tested, one was injected with HCG, while the other was injected with a placebo. The results of this study were identical which may point toward some other factor being the cause of the weight lost. There was also a study that looked at previous studies and the methods that were used. A score from 16-100 points were given showing their level of methodology. Upon finishing the review, it was concluded that HCG has no scientific evidence for any effectivness in treating obesity and helping with weight loss.



How can it assist in performance ?

Although the main reason for this protein is what was previously mentioned, it has also been used by athletes as a performance enhancing hormone. HCG is used mainly during and after cycles in order to maintain testes size and natural production of testosterone. At some point though, after too many high level steroids have been used, this can decrease leutinizing hormone which is responsible for transporting testosterone from the pituitary gland to the testes. This is where the HCG can be used in place of LH. At some point though, a peak will be reached where your own production of testosterone will have decreased, and the effectiveness of the drugs will plateau. Using this or any other steroid for enhancing performance is only short term.

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Other studies

Although this may be discouraging concerning the lack of using HCG  for weight loss, there are other uses for HCG as well. As mentioned before, it is a factor in the development of a fetus during pregnancy, so some of these conditions are within the field of health and wellness. This focuses more on your overall health and not only fitness. HCG plays a role in monitoring pregnancy and ovarian cell tumors. In one study HCG promoted migration of the tumors. This says that HCG may be able to regulate metastasis of ovarian cancer, and possibly be used theraputicly in the treatment of ovarian cancer. Other studies have shown similar results. In another study, it showed the influence of HCG on marking the formation of a tumor in breast cancer. It can also decrease the expression of estrogen receptors which protect against breast cancer.

These previous studies mentioned, along with many others show the impact that HCG can have on certain cancer cells within the female body and at some point may be used as a form of therapy in treating different types of cancer which is a big step in the right direction of fighting cancer.

Although the protein HCG hasn't been shown to help in weight loss, there are other positive factors that its use can bring, including assistance in performance and workouts, as well as a possible use in treating different types of cancers that someone may have.

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Overall, studies showed that HCG is ineffective when it comes to weight loss, and that the weight loss that was seen in the subjects that were being tested, probably came from other factors involved such as eating habits, as well as level of activity. Also, although many people use HCG for performance enhancing purposes, because of its effects on the bodies' natural production of hormones, this is not advised. Also, the fact that there is a chance of HCG having a positive effect on medical conditions is encouraging and may be more promising when more research has been done.